  • Just made a quesadilla burger with impossible meat and home made fries on the air fryer. Texture can be pretty consistent with the real thing if you let it sear. Taste is pretty good especially when you dress it up. Also been heavy on impossible nuggets too those go crazy in the air fryer (the ones at AMC omg ) any of yall on this wave yet?

  • May 15
    1 reply

    Just made a quesadilla burger with impossible meat and home made fries on the air fryer. Texture can be pretty consistent with the real thing if you let it sear. Taste is pretty good especially when you dress it up. Also been heavy on impossible nuggets too those go crazy in the air fryer (the ones at AMC omg ) any of yall on this wave yet?

    i havent had impossible in a sec but them jawns do be hittin

    using some for taco meat

  • May 15
    1 reply

    I love that s***

    people just don't know how to season/cook well

  • Fever

    I love that s***

    people just don't know how to season/cook well

    Seasoning is definitely a major component of it

  • Same nutrition facts just vegan. Its not necessarily healthier for you.

    I mainly eat chicken and fish (non fried) red meat maybe one or twice a month

  • kinda related but i just tried s***ty vegan last saturday and dawg when i tell you that s*** hit

  • May 16
    1 reply
    Joey Junior

    i havent had impossible in a sec but them jawns do be hittin

    using some for taco meat

    Are the AMC impossible nuggets really good? They look like deep fried pencil erasers to me

  • NewLondon21

    Are the AMC impossible nuggets really good? They look like deep fried pencil erasers to me

    Can confirm they are heat just don’t look at em

  • plants 🌻
    May 16

    my fave burger the beyond joints. got em on sale at Costco once for like $1.20 a patty s*** was splendid.

  • cop the ground version of it in a square and split it up into four patties

    cheaper option and you can get thin smash burgers out of it bc I found the premade ones a bit too thick for my liking

  • vegans doing to much just to eat the same processed garbage everyone else eats

  • The reason why you feel that way is because you've already developed a taste for these without even realizing it you're entire life.

    Impossible meats is made out of isolated pea protein, but you might be more familiar by its other name "TVP" or Textured Vegetable Protein.

    TVP has been commonly used as a meat binder and filler for decades. If you've ever eaten frozen meals from the grocery store, or even Taco Bell or Burger King, you have been eating TVP.