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  • Niggamortis πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€
    Apr 24, 2023
    1 reply

    !dream depressed gambler after losing $400

  • Water Giver πŸ’§
    Apr 24, 2023

    Stupid Transaction Distraction

  • Water Giver πŸ’§
    Apr 24, 2023

    Op i got a pyramid scheme to sell you hmu

  • Apr 24, 2023
    whippet volverse

    most people in the world are gamblers, just not in the casino
    your boss or whoever made the business you work at took a calculated gamble by starting a business
    those dudes whose marriages you helped end all gambled with their life by marrying women who can get seduced by a nigga on ktt

    in a sense life is a gamble, you never know what cards will face you minute by minute no matter how smart or stupid your decisions are

    so don't even trip. obviously if you have a problem then acknowledge it & grow past it. but beating yourself up for past decisions you view as mistakes is only keeping you in a shame spiral instead of helping you acknowledge them as low points that will help you evolve into a better you

    Fax I took a gamble this morning and tried to save money not replacing full cream milk for oat milk for my latte and ended up s***ting myself

  • Niggamortis πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€
    Apr 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Lesson learned.

    Always use exactly the amount you plan on going in with. Don’t take extra s*** out. You lose and leave, don’t stay.

    Slots are super easy to stay on track with.

  • Water Giver πŸ’§
    Apr 24, 2023

  • Niggamortis πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€
    Apr 24, 2023
    1 reply

    Just be smart and have a plan going into it tbh.

    Gambling can be slippery, but if you manage things beforehand, you should either walk out with a increase of funds or without a decrease in the amount walked in with.

    You only lose when you go deeper into your wallet.

    Learned that instantly.

  • Water Giver πŸ’§
    Apr 24, 2023

    !dream depressed gambler after losing $400

    Nah these are foul

  • Niggamortis πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€
    Apr 24, 2023

    hell nah, it’s a mental thing to overcome though and not a lot of folks can walk away easily so I get that

    maybe go with someone next time

  • Apr 24, 2023

    Still cant figure out if its ChatGPT or not

  • Apr 24, 2023
    1 reply

    i get hard, just cant cum. But i figured out how to c***now with women. Thanks for remembering my d*** measurements and me not getting hard tho.

    nice to know my d*** is in your mind

  • Kenig πŸ’­
    Apr 24, 2023

  • Apr 24, 2023

    op put everything on Garcia

  • Apr 24, 2023

    Could be worse

    Thank you I needed this reminder

    It absolutely could I could be a little Syrian kid or recycling bottles in Philippines slums like I watch on YouTube

    I love you and the world and life

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