  • Jul 21, 2023

    Best investment strategy is always just to buy stocks of things you own in real life and withdraw in like 10-15 years

    I just always viewed it as gambling lol "only buy what you can lose" - wish I didn't follow that and just emptied my checkings into gme though lol

    It's not as risky for me now so I probably should get more into it and maybe get something to add into a down payment for a home

  • I respect @op just ignoring all the mentions forgetting this thread exists frfr no 🧢

  • Aug 4, 2023
    2 replies

    I'm still stuck holding these AMC stocks I bought at 26 and foolishly didn't cash out when it was like 60

  • Aug 4, 2023
    2 replies

    I'm still stuck holding these AMC stocks I bought at 26 and foolishly didn't cash out when it was like 60

    Look up what the sunk cost fallacy is

  • Aug 4, 2023
    1 reply
    Shadow Wizard

    Look up what the sunk cost fallacy is

    It's not sunken cost to not sell on a loss. I'll hold them until I die before I settle for a significant loss just bc. It aint a loss til you sell. Sunken cost is if you kept investing.

  • Aug 4, 2023

    It's not sunken cost to not sell on a loss. I'll hold them until I die before I settle for a significant loss just bc. It aint a loss til you sell. Sunken cost is if you kept investing.

    No man, you could invest in anything else

    There is an opportunity cost with holding an investment over others

    That capital could be used in a productive manner

  • Aug 4, 2023
    Shadow Wizard

    Look up what the sunk cost fallacy is

    Yeah bro this was like a year ago. I've learned my lesson since then

  • Aug 4, 2023

    Hope amc goes down to a penny so you lose everything 😈

  • Dec 27, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm still stuck holding these AMC stocks I bought at 26 and foolishly didn't cash out when it was like 60

    amc? like why wtf

  • Dec 27, 2023
    1 reply

    amc? like why wtf

    It was popping back in the day and I was up on profit but I FOMO'd and now I'm stuck with these stocks

  • Dec 27, 2023
    Bo Ceephus

    Don't worry if you don't think im right.
    I'm confident in my investment and I like where the numbers are at that I've researched endlessly the last year. I know I'm right. And it's playing out just as many suspected a year ago. Everything is coming together. The squeeze obviously hasn't happened yet but I digress; its a step by step process for something this monumental.

  • Dec 27, 2023

    If not just a flat out scam, by the time y’all hear about these too good to be true investments, all the money to be made has already been made. You’re gonna be left holding the bag.

  • Dec 27, 2023

    Who the f*** would invest in AMC?

    Now GameStop, that's a real company for niggas that get their d*** hard

  • Dec 27, 2023

    It was popping back in the day and I was up on profit but I FOMO'd and now I'm stuck with these stocks

    give em to me