  • Feb 26, 2023

  • Feb 26, 2023
    4 replies

    Funny he ranks the first Captain America so low when it’s the best MCU movie. It actually looks like a real film with sincerity and heart.

  • Feb 26, 2023

    Funny he ranks the first Captain America so low when it’s the best MCU movie. It actually looks like a real film with sincerity and heart.

    I find it funny he called it all mid yet half his list is 8+

  • Feb 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Funny he ranks the first Captain America so low when it’s the best MCU movie. It actually looks like a real film with sincerity and heart.

    Ok film

  • Feb 26, 2023

    The only way that I would do this is if a girl I was f***ing with wanted me to


  • Feb 26, 2023


  • Feb 26, 2023
    bot bot

    ban kr0niic

  • Feb 26, 2023

    should i do this?


  • Feb 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Ok film

    Waaaaay better than Winter Soldier.

  • Feb 26, 2023

    at the title

  • Feb 26, 2023

    Can't wait until @op rewatches TLOU and re-scores it

  • Feb 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Waaaaay better than Winter Soldier.

    How exactly

  • Feb 26, 2023

    I was thinking bout doing this but there's really 40 of these b****es

  • Feb 26, 2023

    Funny he ranks the first Captain America so low when it’s the best MCU movie. It actually looks like a real film with sincerity and heart.

    Red Skull is a snooooooorefest

  • Feb 26, 2023

    Said s*** was mid but most of the movie he ranked at 8 or above.

    Also having ant man 1 and cap america 1 that low is crazy

  • Feb 26, 2023

    Funny he ranks the first Captain America so low when it’s the best MCU movie. It actually looks like a real film with sincerity and heart.


  • Feb 26, 2023
    2 replies

    How exactly

    Maybe the fact that it’s shot and lit like a real film and is sincere in its pulpy style. It’s a natural extension of Joe Johnston’s other film The Rocketeer. There’s a warmth to the look of it. It’s fun and embraces its comic book origins. Winter Soldier is grey and flat and looks like a generic action television show stretched out for the big screen. The Russo’s wouldn’t even know how to direct the catering service off set. They should stick to doing sitcoms. Most of the MCU movies after this point have this lifeless generic in house look where any traces of cinematic quality are sucked out of them. They’re functionally commercials advertising the next commercial. The first Captain America feels like an isolated film that can be enjoyed on its own and even its sequel teases are integral thematic and emotional moments for the protagonist.

  • Feb 26, 2023

    Oh nice, someone else agrees with me

  • Feb 27, 2023
    · edited

    Maybe the fact that it’s shot and lit like a real film and is sincere in its pulpy style. It’s a natural extension of Joe Johnston’s other film The Rocketeer. There’s a warmth to the look of it. It’s fun and embraces its comic book origins. Winter Soldier is grey and flat and looks like a generic action television show stretched out for the big screen. The Russo’s wouldn’t even know how to direct the catering service off set. They should stick to doing sitcoms. Most of the MCU movies after this point have this lifeless generic in house look where any traces of cinematic quality are sucked out of them. They’re functionally commercials advertising the next commercial. The first Captain America feels like an isolated film that can be enjoyed on its own and even its sequel teases are integral thematic and emotional moments for the protagonist.

    I don’t disagree with any of this but I’m not sure it makes TFA the best MCU film through and through tbh

  • Feb 27, 2023
    1 reply
    · edited

    Maybe the fact that it’s shot and lit like a real film and is sincere in its pulpy style. It’s a natural extension of Joe Johnston’s other film The Rocketeer. There’s a warmth to the look of it. It’s fun and embraces its comic book origins. Winter Soldier is grey and flat and looks like a generic action television show stretched out for the big screen. The Russo’s wouldn’t even know how to direct the catering service off set. They should stick to doing sitcoms. Most of the MCU movies after this point have this lifeless generic in house look where any traces of cinematic quality are sucked out of them. They’re functionally commercials advertising the next commercial. The first Captain America feels like an isolated film that can be enjoyed on its own and even its sequel teases are integral thematic and emotional moments for the protagonist.

    a good amount of phase 1 movies feel like that. i can rewatch the first iron man an unlimited amount of times bc it feels like its own movie and its still one of the top five best movies marvel has ever done.

    they felt like independent or isolated movies. the over saturation of marvel during phase 3, ya kno, the phase that everyone supposedly loved, is the reason why there is this huge downfall/boredom with it. ppl were so wet at the thought of more marvel products on the market that they didnt realize it was actively pushing away any sort of creativity and charm that made those movies feel so great and fun to watch.

    they inadvertently proved that the marvel sweat shop/formula that small groups complained about during phase 2 was completely justified. they played up to the public so hardcore and the public ate that s*** up only to turn on marvel lol.

    if i were a director assigned to marvel during phase 3/4, id be so f***ing bummed out. knowing that the film i made will get lost in the sands of time. it wont be talked about in any meaningful way and instead used as a dunk or an example of a companies larger creative failings (captain marvel)

  • Feb 27, 2023

    a good amount of phase 1 movies feel like that. i can rewatch the first iron man an unlimited amount of times bc it feels like its own movie and its still one of the top five best movies marvel has ever done.

    they felt like independent or isolated movies. the over saturation of marvel during phase 3, ya kno, the phase that everyone supposedly loved, is the reason why there is this huge downfall/boredom with it. ppl were so wet at the thought of more marvel products on the market that they didnt realize it was actively pushing away any sort of creativity and charm that made those movies feel so great and fun to watch.

    they inadvertently proved that the marvel sweat shop/formula that small groups complained about during phase 2 was completely justified. they played up to the public so hardcore and the public ate that s*** up only to turn on marvel lol.

    if i were a director assigned to marvel during phase 3/4, id be so f***ing bummed out. knowing that the film i made will get lost in the sands of time. it wont be talked about in any meaningful way and instead used as a dunk or an example of a companies larger creative failings (captain marvel)

    This is really well put.

  • Feb 27, 2023

    Movies going the same way as the comics.

    Just far far too much oversaturation

  • Feb 27, 2023

    By the time they get to X-Men s***ll be over

  • Feb 27, 2023

    I will add: it's not just marvel's fault.

    The drop in QUALITY films from big named studios/actors and to a much lesser extent things like writers strikes and covid 100% contributed to the issue of oversaturation from superhero films.
    I can't FULLY Blame audiences (tho I could try).

    We've seen a resurgence recently in films that take a chance and films that go back to certain basics that resonate with movie goers.
    It's concerning when legacy directors are moving on to passion projects that audiences don't really care about and also complaining that theaters are dying and simultaneously moving towards streaming platforms (the Irishman). When Steven Spielberg has to basically gleefully thank tom cruise bc he might have "single handedly saved theaters" there's clearly something wrong. He released two films in two consecutive years and BOTH MOVIES failed to even reach their production budget.

    Idk. I say that to say there's a disconnect between old legacy Hollywood and current trends/movie goers

  • Kengi 💭
    Feb 27, 2023

    Blud rates some marvel movies anything above a 6