  • Dec 28, 2021

    Oh my god youā€™re doing it

  • Dec 28, 2021
    1 reply
    Mac Foley

    Can't believe I've actually seen everything in the MCU canon aside from Daredevil

    You better get on that

  • Dec 28, 2021
    1 reply

    You better get on that

    Currently on Season 2 rn

  • Dec 28, 2021
    Mac Foley

    Currently on Season 2 rn

    Daredevil might be my favorite marvel show/movie, the grittiness and overall tone just feels so much different from everything being bright and sunny in the rest of the MCU

  • Dec 28, 2021
    HURRY UP kiddash3r

    this s*** is all spoilers man how are you gonna post all this

    It ainā€™t spoilers if you donā€™t understand the context

  • Dec 28, 2021
    1 reply

    very cool! i watched everything MCU related this year too just in time for the spider-man movie..

    besides daredevil

    was confused when he showed up in the spider-man movie

  • Dec 28, 2021

    very cool! i watched everything MCU related this year too just in time for the spider-man movie..

    besides daredevil

    was confused when he showed up in the spider-man movie


  • Dec 28, 2021
    2 replies

    Iron man 1 was just as good as I remembered it as a kid. The opening was great. RDJ is a great f***ing actor as iron man. Great start to the MCU.

    Then thereā€™s hulk. I heard this was the worst one going inā€¦. And if thatā€™s the caseā€¦ good! Cause this movie was actually decent!!! Edward Norton and Tim Roth were both amazing in this film. Only thing it needed more of was better fights, and more hulk. This one had too much drama for a super hero movie (marvel dramaā€¦ itā€™s kindaā€¦ corny and uninteresting.) But that said the acting in this one was phenomenal.

    Iron man 2 was more of the first, but in my opinion had wayyy better fights than the first. That said the main Villians in this one suckedā€¦ and for some reason now Iron manā€™s friend is played by don cheedle.

    Thor 1 was pretty good tbh. Movie flew by. Movie was so far the funniest of the MCU watching Thor interact on earth. CGI easily the best so far. Interested in what Loki will be up to in the later movies as the end credits showed him wanting the tesseract.

    Captain Americaā€¦. Was looking forward to this one but was disappointed. Most of the beginning is goodā€¦ then right when I think it will get interesting captain America goes on a promo run. Kinda killed the momentum. The villain matrix guy was cool and all but idk something felt flat about this movie. Worst one so farā€¦ but it wasnā€™t bad.. was alright

    Someone else that actually likes iron man 2 thank you
    Never understood why people s*** on this movie it's not amazing but it's good

  • Dec 28, 2021

    Mark Ruffalo didn't get a Hulk movie but they're making Ant-Man 3

    They can't do a hulk solo movie bc of rights issues with paramount (cbs)

  • Dec 28, 2021

    enjoy bro. they really making 200 million dollar episodes of a long ass tv show through movies, s*** crazy to binge.

  • Dec 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Someone else that actually likes iron man 2 thank you
    Never understood why people s*** on this movie it's not amazing but it's good

    They killed a proper sequel to set up Avengers 1, just like Civil War for Infinity War/Endgame

  • Kr0niic ā˜˜ļø
    Dec 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Watch it today coward

    Just got home from the gym. Gotta cook dinner and all that s*** and do chores and by that time it will be too late for my gf (we are watching these together)

    Tomorrow is much better for us. So Iā€™ll watch avengers 1 tomorrow. Iā€™ll be averaging like 4-5 a week

  • Kr0niic ā˜˜ļø
    Dec 28, 2021
    2 replies

    Someone else that actually likes iron man 2 thank you
    Never understood why people s*** on this movie it's not amazing but it's good

    Is that one hated? Lmfao will be interesting to see my takes since I have 0 context whatā€™s hated or not really (besides hulk as I was told thatā€™s the worst)

    Iā€™m not expecting masterpieces out of these filmsā€¦ Iā€™m just rating them out of enjoyability. And so far they are all enjoyable films to just turn your brain off and watch.

  • Dec 28, 2021

    Waste of ur time king!

  • Dec 28, 2021

    Is that one hated? Lmfao will be interesting to see my takes since I have 0 context whatā€™s hated or not really (besides hulk as I was told thatā€™s the worst)

    Iā€™m not expecting masterpieces out of these filmsā€¦ Iā€™m just rating them out of enjoyability. And so far they are all enjoyable films to just turn your brain off and watch.

    Usually IM2 is considered bottom tier MCU, yeah.

    to be fair i think there are things that make it watchable but i personally think it tries to do too much

  • Dec 28, 2021

    They killed a proper sequel to set up Avengers 1, just like Civil War for Infinity War/Endgame

    Fair but I still like it. I always really liked the villains and the opening at the F1 race is super entertaining. Also the Walt Disney stuff with Tony's father and the element stuff was always interesting to me. I did see it first when I was 11 so maybe that's why

  • NobodyWins šŸŸ 
    Dec 29, 2021

    Just got home from the gym. Gotta cook dinner and all that s*** and do chores and by that time it will be too late for my gf (we are watching these together)

    Tomorrow is much better for us. So Iā€™ll watch avengers 1 tomorrow. Iā€™ll be averaging like 4-5 a week

    You gonna watch stuff like Deadpool and X-men too?

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Is that one hated? Lmfao will be interesting to see my takes since I have 0 context whatā€™s hated or not really (besides hulk as I was told thatā€™s the worst)

    Iā€™m not expecting masterpieces out of these filmsā€¦ Iā€™m just rating them out of enjoyability. And so far they are all enjoyable films to just turn your brain off and watch.

    iā€™m not too sure about the specifics yet but i believe Deadpool is canon to the MCU now but itā€™s up to you

    Deadpool 3 is being planned but idr if they said itā€™ll be MCU yet

    edit: Feige confirmed

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    nah fr tho OP should just keep it to everything on D+ plus Spidey movies

    forget all that extra multiverse/netflix show fat

  • Dec 29, 2021
    Ā· edited

    nah fr tho OP should just keep it to everything on D+ plus Spidey movies

    forget all that extra multiverse/netflix show fat

    Yep, and since Hulk has already been seen thatā€™s one less

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    smile now

    gifs included are literally my favorite scenes of the movie/shows listed

    1. Daredevil

    2. Infinity War

    3. No Way Home

    4. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

    5. Captain America : Winter Solider

    you really trash for this, iā€™m sure OP doesnā€™t want the first time he sees these scenes to be in a random KTT userā€™s post

    i swear some of yā€™all just do not use your brains before you hit post

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    you really trash for this, iā€™m sure OP doesnā€™t want the first time he sees these scenes to be in a random KTT userā€™s post

    i swear some of yā€™all just do not use your brains before you hit post

    Iā€™m sure the guy who hasnā€™t seen these big blockbuster films (that is constantly spoiled all over social media on a daily basis through the ways of memes alone) till he was 23 will be fine.

    please shut the f*** up you absolute loser

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Mark Ruffalo didn't get a Hulk movie but they're making Ant-Man 3

    World war hulk coming I think
    Ant man 3 gonna be heat tho with what they setting up

  • Dec 29, 2021
    HURRY UP kiddash3r

    this s*** is all spoilers man how are you gonna post all this
