Dunno where my old old ones are. Im blind asf . I got work all week.
I literally got up to take a piss at night. Got back in bed gently then reach for the covers and the weight instantly split them f***ers in half like
The universe is giving me some humility while I squint hard asf typing this
I feel you bro, mine looked like this after 1 month of getting my first pair of glasses.
After that I just gave up and didn't get a new pair.
If your prescription is current go to a glasses shop and get temporary contacts till you get new glasses
If your prescription is current go to a glasses shop and get temporary contacts till you get new glasses
Not current since I’ve had them for years but I could still see clearly with them. This might be it
I feel you bro, mine looked like this after 1 month of getting my first pair of glasses.
After that I just gave up and didn't get a new pair.
Ngl if you wear these I know you're good looking
yea I accidentally laid on my glasses and it snapped. That's why always keep an extra pair