Like I get why he said he used it to "take power away from it" but just no man. Like I don't care about the edgy s*** he said but that's just too much. "This is for my nigs in the suburbs
With the white kids with nig friends who say the n word
And for all the ones call weird f*g b**** need cause you were into jazz kitty cats and Stephen Spielberg"
Like it was cool but why say the n word there? Why didn't anyone in OF check him about this? (Syd and Matt martians apparently did with the golf pride world wide bullshit he pulled)
Tyler fans in 2012
your favorite album is flower boy i can tell
No it's probably cherry bomb
And why are people just saying shut up? Hm weird
You should publish your thoughts on this on and dramatically tweet it out!! Powerful.
No it's probably cherry bomb
And why are people just saying shut up? Hm weird
Cause you sound like one of people who be on Twitter all day
man what