if you’re black it’s almost impossible i wanna say that u haven’t heard more than 5 Meek Mill songs, especially when he had that run with Ross and Maybach Music especially in the f***ing streets and i only spent a small part of my childhood there
are u from the east coast
why does that matter
he had crossover songs, he wasn’t some underground Philly dude like Joey Jihad
if you’re black it’s almost impossible i wanna say that u haven’t heard more than 5 Meek Mill songs, especially when he had that run with Ross and Maybach Music especially in the f***ing streets and i only spent a small part of my childhood there
Niggas dont understand what they really saying about themselves lol
Especially for someone like her who is probably a few years older than us and was outside in his prime lol
I can't either but that's mostly because I didn't actively listen to Meek Mill. Definitely heard a lot of Meek Mill when I was in college though. His music was popular at house parties. Mind you I was in school in the greater Philly area so that's likely why.
i can name six but if someone can't name 5 that's not crazy. y'all acting like she said she can't name five Michael Jackson songs.
i heard this s*** ALL the time out of cars growing up in PA
lotta y’all need to just shut up
kinda ridiculous how many people are like this, this fits my boys to a T
it’s fine but idg why they try to talk music
S*** is annoying as f*** lol.
And its majority of the population too. I care too much bout this s*** to waste my time with ppl like that.
Niggas dont understand what they really saying about themselves lol
Especially for someone like her who is probably a few years older than us and was outside in his prime lol
they be exposing themselves
niggas wanna be on here talking about what the streets are bumping but said Meek Mill was only known for Drake
they shouldve put "no twitter" in meek mill contract. he's done irreparable damage to himself
hearing songs/knowing them when the beat come on and then gun to your head naming five songs is two different things can’t hold you (especially if you saying no features)
but tryna play meek like he wasn’t an important figure at one point/isn’t stll one to an extant is ridiculous
meek only important to niggas up north. outside of dreams and nightmares intro the rest of the country don’t give af about him fr
You can’t be serious rn
Meek one of the most important rappers of the 2010s and if someone tells you otherwise they’re f***ing lying or clearly weren’t there
idk why theres like 10 comments about meek mills relevance outside the tri state when mandii B has been in new york since meek popped lol
Rollie DreamChasers 1 2 3 4
Dreams, Nightmares & Rollies
Dreams Worth More Than Rollies
Self Made Rollie Vol 1 2 3
Before The Rollie
ima boss one of the best instrumentals in the last 15 years
Unpopular opinion but I love beats like this that sound “of their time” like that s*** only exists within the 2010s LOL
I was listening to New Boyz like damn there’s not a single era in time that this fits in except like 2009