  • Jul 27, 2020

    The DNC is a bunch of window dressing and half assed measures done to throw a branch to democratic voters whilst we’re drowning. Idk if I’ll still hold this viewpoint come November and it’s time to turn in the ballot but right now it’s 05 f*** em

    And I stg if that brisket brain idiot Biden picks Kamala...

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    op sees the light. are you thinking of just not voting this year?

  • Jul 28, 2020

    I mean you didn’t say anything wrong

  • rvi 🛝
    Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    what's your opinion on trump?

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Good. Presidential candidates should start trying to represent our interests instead of their billionaire donors’ if they want to earn our votes. No more “lesser of two evils” bullshit when we pay their salaries and they’re supposed to be working for us.

    Howie Hawkins 2020

  • Jul 28, 2020

    Stuck between two horrible choices or reinforcing a forced-choice system

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Lots of leftists down the ballot so just keep that in mind, Election Day doesnt only mean Biden

    Turn out for the people that align with you below the main ticket

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Lots of leftists down the ballot so just keep that in mind, Election Day doesnt only mean Biden

    Turn out for the people that align with you below the main ticket

    who are these leftists

  • Jul 28, 2020
    6 replies

    Do us all a favor and don't vote then

    Any vote for Trump is a vote for pure white supremacy

    Don't try to deny it

  • Jul 28, 2020
    3 replies

  • 6isco 🦈
    Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    im not voting this year

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    harm reduction is a thing

  • Jul 28, 2020

    will never understand the point of these threads

  • Jul 28, 2020
    4 replies

    harm reduction is a thing

    harm reduction is an interesting concept.

    who is it reducing harm for?

    what if, when biden fails to enact meaningful reform to address the material needs of the people it leads us to a more dangerous version of trump, such as tucker carlson, or tom cotton in 2024?

  • rvi 🛝
    Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    harm reduction is an interesting concept.

    who is it reducing harm for?

    what if, when biden fails to enact meaningful reform to address the material needs of the people it leads us to a more dangerous version of trump, such as tucker carlson, or tom cotton in 2024?

    so are you saying youd rather have trump win than biden?

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    so are you saying youd rather have trump win than biden?


    im saying both are s***, and people can't ignore history as a process and just pass it off as a bunch of one time events. neoliberal politics got us to trump, continuing them will potentially lead to worse and at the moment this is the reality we face.

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    harm reduction is an interesting concept.

    who is it reducing harm for?

    what if, when biden fails to enact meaningful reform to address the material needs of the people it leads us to a more dangerous version of trump, such as tucker carlson, or tom cotton in 2024?

    might just be misunderstanding, but if your connection between biden and a "more dangerous version of trump" is him failing to "address the material needs of the people", wouldn't trump HIMSELF make that outcome even more likely

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    might just be misunderstanding, but if your connection between biden and a "more dangerous version of trump" is him failing to "address the material needs of the people", wouldn't trump HIMSELF make that outcome even more likely

    Yes, Trump himself could also lead to a more dangerous version of trump, especially as long as the DNC works hand in hand with republicans to block even the most mildest of social reforms.

  • Jul 28, 2020
    5 replies

    im not voting this year

    This is really peak privilege

    I know what y'all are saying... Dems still have plenty of s*** they deserve to be called out on and aren't better than Republicans in regard to.

    However we have a Supreme Court justice who just might be leaving in the next 4 years, and it is already a conservative majority. If we get ANOTHER, this country is legit setback for possibly decades. Setback on abortion, work rights, human rights, prison reform, etc.

    Also another 4 years of Trump is just dangerous. This is a far-right candidate, not even a moderate right.

    At this point I'd understand voting now, and not voting in 4 years once Trump is no longer a threat, but I just don't get ignoring this year altogether too.

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Really can’t believe people are willing to just take another four years of trump instead of Biden

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Yes, Trump himself could also lead to a more dangerous version of trump, especially as long as the DNC works hand in hand with republicans to block even the most mildest of social reforms.

    right ...

    so at that point im not sure why i shouldn't vote for biden.

    the only real argument against it that i've seen is some kind of accelerationist take but that seems very suspect to me

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    This is really peak privilege

    I know what y'all are saying... Dems still have plenty of s*** they deserve to be called out on and aren't better than Republicans in regard to.

    However we have a Supreme Court justice who just might be leaving in the next 4 years, and it is already a conservative majority. If we get ANOTHER, this country is legit setback for possibly decades. Setback on abortion, work rights, human rights, prison reform, etc.

    Also another 4 years of Trump is just dangerous. This is a far-right candidate, not even a moderate right.

    At this point I'd understand voting now, and not voting in 4 years once Trump is no longer a threat, but I just don't get ignoring this year altogether too.

    @Synopsis I don't get how you as a far-left person can be fine letting this all happen

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    right ...

    so at that point im not sure why i shouldn't vote for biden.

    the only real argument against it that i've seen is some kind of accelerationist take but that seems very suspect to me

    you can vote for biden if you want, my beef is with the people who vote shame people who dont vote for him. candidates have to earn votes after all.

  • Jul 28, 2020

    Don’t vote !
