Boy,I remember when I thought air fryers were full of radiation and would lead to people getting cancer I do fries and grilled cheese sandwiches in mine.
Boy,I remember when I thought air fryers were full of radiation and would lead to people getting cancer I do fries and grilled cheese sandwiches in mine.
is it not air
is it not air
Look bro,deep frying food with air is pretty futuristic so,a lot of people(including me)had to get with the concept. It still doesn’t fry anything flour based in my experience with them.
Look bro,deep frying food with air is pretty futuristic so,a lot of people(including me)had to get with the concept. It still doesn’t fry anything flour based in my experience with them.
it's in the name
just got me one too
currently eating fries, they seem to be a bit soggy or idk..some of them are crunchier than ever and some of them are not made inside
Most potato forms are amazing in it. Fries, hash browns, etc.
Wings are GOAT. We’ve made meatballs too.
Honestly I don’t even go out to eat anymore.
I believe any oil works
Nice might get one when I get my money right
Nice might get one when I get my money right
You could cop a cheaper one for like $40 on Amazon. Prob even cheaper in some places. They all do the same s***.
You could cop a cheaper one for like $40 on Amazon. Prob even cheaper in some places. They all do the same s***.
That would mean importing for me, so not happening
I got this one as a gift and it sucks. Manual says only air fry on the upper rack, which leaves only a couple inches for food and even then your food is right up against the top of the air fryer which means the food cooks unevenly. Tried air frying some frozen chicken wings and they were getting burnt on the outside yet soggy on the inside. Really frustrated with this product as a whole. Has good reviews online but I can’t seem to figure out what I’m doing wrong.
You could cop a cheaper one for like $40 on Amazon. Prob even cheaper in some places. They all do the same s***.
Got mine from BestBuy for $45. It’s huge. I check their deal of the day all the time.