  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply


  • Aug 4, 2021

    Just put them in your checked luggage with other things. If it’s sealed it’s fine.

    so not in carry on ?

  • Aug 4, 2021

    take a lil nibble wait an hour and see how you feel

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Say hi to the demons for me op

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    almost rlasped on drank but withstood my cravings and popped like 100mg of X

  • Aug 4, 2021
    RICKY 2320

    Say hi to the demons for me op


  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    i told this b**** over the counter that i dont smoke weed like that and that i hate falling asleep after smoking and this what she gave me

    Edibles are much stronger than smoking . The high lasts longer and is more intense. Don’t eat any fatty food while you eat the edible. THC is fat soluble and eating greasy fatty food will intensify your high.

    Drinking while eating an edible will also make your high stronger.

    Don’t eat anything full of fat like burger or sweets etf, don’t drink. Wait till you have a day off, in case you f*** yourself and get too high you become too high to even function lol

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    Edibles are much stronger than smoking . The high lasts longer and is more intense. Don’t eat any fatty food while you eat the edible. THC is fat soluble and eating greasy fatty food will intensify your high.

    Drinking while eating an edible will also make your high stronger.

    Don’t eat anything full of fat like burger or sweets etf, don’t drink. Wait till you have a day off, in case you f*** yourself and get too high you become too high to even function lol

    damn and im not even staying at my own crib tonight looks like im just gonna pass on this today

  • Aug 4, 2021

    I take edibles pretty much every day, I don't really smoke much because I have asthma.

    Just keep it to 5mg at a time if you don't really smoke or anything. I'll usually just take one of those in the evening, but I buy the fast acting (there's a few companies that make them, they label them as "nano edibles", they hit in 15 minutes).

  • Aug 4, 2021
    1 reply

    how does mescaline compare to acid to you?

  • Aug 4, 2021

    I hate bein sober

  • Aug 4, 2021

    damn and im not even staying at my own crib tonight looks like im just gonna pass on this today

    Edibles are super fun but they’re significantly stronger than just smoking a bowl so go super super easy and wait at least 2 hours before you think about taking more

    I’d just allocate a couple nights and take a small amount the first time and if it doesn’t hit just do more the next night instead of trying to take more later in the first night

    You deserve to have a good first experience w weed and if you take too much you can get paranoia and anxiety for a few hours which might put you off

  • it’s probably gonna drop you like a sack of bricks after an hour or two and you’ll wake up feeling more groggy than you ever have in your life. it’s still a good time though

  • Aug 8, 2021
    2 replies

    and OP was never seen again

  • proper 🔩
    Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    I binged a whole gram in one session this weekend (lasted two days tho )


    Edibles > smoking imo

    Yesssss, the edible high is a perfect daytime high for me tbh. When dosed correctly it balances being f***ed up and being functional perfectly

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    and OP was never seen again

    i been doubling my dose every day started with about a quarter piece of a candy to a half and i did a whole one yesterday and it was aight and i felt “less high” than from smoking

  • Aug 8, 2021

    If you don't smoke I don't know why you would start with one of the more potent forms of THC but f*** it bro it's ya life.

  • Aug 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Get way more bang for your buck too. Acid cheap asf and it's like a whole day of roses