i just don't really see how it can be labelled a gimmick when the man himself hasn't spoken on it tho. we can't be sure why he did it the way he did no matter how much y'all think y'all know.
if you didn't like the music that's fine lol
Just relistened today and it holds up better than when it released tbh
Yeah niggas in here weird Lol like they judging the rollout over the album
This s*** was f***ing great and 53.49 is a song that will never get old to me which ain’t happen in a long time
Movie soundtrack music
The fact that dahi was the driving force behind what’s basically his most musically creative project and Ludwig has less involvement is kinda crazy
The fact that dahi was the driving force behind what’s basically his most musically creative project and Ludwig has less involvement is kinda crazy
Damn didn’t know this
Damn didn’t know this
Dahi and Donald exec produced it. Dahi has 8 prod credits & Ludwig has 5