STDs are no joke op. Yes he has it, hopefully this doesn't impact others lives
His melodies sound like slave hymns
Like the ancestors speaking thru him
Man what in the f***??
Industry has really tried to blackball him
I keep hearing this why?
Bro what do u niggas be talking about
this is fax man yb is really better than all his counterparts and he does it with no award nominations or positive promo. young goat :word:
I keep hearing this why?
not necessarily black balled. it’s just difficult to market him because of his image. he doesn’t make music for the radio. it’s kinda like how sosa was early on in his career
he is black balled in the sense of working with certain artists and maybe some producers because of his beefs i guess
that’s the entire point. yb’s popularity is strictly from his fans and nothing else. no label handouts or industry support like these other artists
STDs are no joke op. Yes he has it, hopefully this doesn't impact others lives
You realize herpes is easily treatable and it’s not something you have for life right? Quit being so worried about another man d*** weirdo
I keep hearing this why?
He has beef with a lot of industry dudes
An example would be how his signed artist Quando Rondo killed King Von
Now places are scared to book Quando for shows
I keep hearing this why?
He doesn’t play industry games and suck the right d***s like everyone else
Yb not really blackballed he just dont work with a lot of niggas. before von died, durk, herbo, and polo all wanted to work with him lol. They dont got enough pull to stop sht
You realize herpes is easily treatable and it’s not something you have for life right? Quit being so worried about another man d*** weirdo
Herpes are literally for life b
Yb not really blackballed he just dont work with a lot of niggas. before von died, durk, herbo, and polo all wanted to work with him lol. They dont got enough pull to stop sht
Nah mane. Bro literally does the streaming numbers of a pop star yet you don’t see him getting the push someone like lil baby does. + he’s done like 4 video interviews total
Whatever it is…And thats all you need. When he gets outta jail its gonna be f***ing scary season. Hes not even seen his prime yet lmao. We look at lil baby as the next “one” but YB performs better in almost every metric and doest have the same industry push. Its all organic he just has something people are gravitated to. Thoughts?
youngboy is in the feds my guy. let it rest.
Industry has really tried to blackball him
I don’t keep up with him, where did this narrative come from?
Bro what do u niggas be talking about
I feel like that nigga dead serious too lol
He has beef with a lot of industry dudes
An example would be how his signed artist Quando Rondo killed King Von
Now places are scared to book Quando for shows
also NoCap signing to Youngboy instead of Lil Baby
Working with Tyler was a good look
Maybe some producers will work with him.
I feel like he can overcome the blackball s***.
When he gets out this time, it’s gonna be big.
lol hes not blackballed. he just doesn't care to work with people and play into the industry games. He was one of the highest paid artists in the world last year.
Nah mane. Bro literally does the streaming numbers of a pop star yet you don’t see him getting the push someone like lil baby does. + he’s done like 4 video interviews total
that's more his choice not really the label lol. youngboy just does w.e. he wants man. top got push by the label