  • Jun 24, 2022

    @op i definitely grieve the potentiality of a life you were told - but never allowed - to live.

    fact of the matter is that this country is on its last legs, and climate change is going to drastically exacerbate international conflict - including the US for once - Ukraine just being the first one.

    all we have left to do is take care of each other. all of our institutions - even the ones for "good" - are rotted to the core seeking profits over the people. we have to rise above the false consciousness of our old institutions and help create community-based replacements to take their place in the time before America turns over from covert fascism to overt fascism.

    it's a tremendous task, but what other choice were you given? unless you meekly accept everything you just mentioned and everything else to come, the only choice is radical optimism. seek out community and support groups, help build mutual aid orgs, learn to make community gardens, learn to shoot, there's a lot of life to still be lived in the decaying belly of the beast

    plus im also positive that ur music will only continue to get better in time and im anticipating it

  • Jun 24, 2022
    · edited

    there are tons of amazing people on this planet

    there are people that exist right now that are your family and you don’t even know them yet

    Op already going through it ! Give her some positivity, y’all can’t keep emitting these low frequencies man

    Ik but OP you need to know you need to tolerate life by yourself or as much by yourself as possible
    I feel like we mostly continue to thrive off of the idea that someday it might get better and we get so blinded by it that when certain things don’t go our way we freak out and get sadder more than usual
    Life is hard and tough as hell and I haven’t even started going through it properly. I got unlucky in a lot of places but in some I did get lucky and you gotta be aware of that, that it’s luck and not a normality. Especially with how social media portrays others as borderline perfect and it might make you think where did everything go wrong. We all go through it, and there will be better times

  • Jun 24, 2022
    1 reply
    · edited

    there are tons of amazing people on this planet

    there are people that exist right now that are your family and you don’t even know them yet

    Op already going through it ! Give her some positivity, y’all can’t keep emitting these low frequencies man

    shes a girl

  • Jun 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Biden’s America

    Your an idiot

  • Jun 24, 2022

    things must get worse before they get better is how I cope

  • Jun 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Also the world is going downhill but at the same time if s*** is out of your control and the only thing you can say is “damn, I can’t do anything about this”, then leave that s*** to the side and focus on the stuff you can have an impact on

    So just lay back and enjoy the show, at least s***’s interesting to observe

  • Jun 24, 2022

    shes a girl

    thank u fam

  • Jun 24, 2022
    · edited

    Also the world is going downhill but at the same time if s*** is out of your control and the only thing you can say is “damn, I can’t do anything about this”, then leave that s*** to the side and focus on the stuff you can have an impact on

    So just lay back and enjoy the show, at least s***’s interesting to observe

    yeah just letting go of things I cant control and focus on what I can do saved my mental health

  • Jun 24, 2022
    1 reply
    · edited

    there are tons of amazing people on this planet

    there are people that exist right now that are your family and you don’t even know them yet

    Op already going through it ! Give her some positivity, y’all can’t keep emitting these low frequencies man


  • Jun 24, 2022
    Chloe Hotleezy


    my apologies 🙏🏼

  • Jun 24, 2022

    A beer in my hand while looking how both sides claims who’s just.

  • Jun 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Your an idiot

    Who are you, and how did I offend you

  • Jun 24, 2022
    1 reply

    Let’s hope the USA empire collapses soon Inshallah

  • Jun 24, 2022
    2 replies

    if ur posting on ktt, it's likely that ur life is more privileged than u realize

    the fact that we are living in the 21st century is proof that we pretty much won the cosmic lottery

    u gotta realize that human history is chocked full of events and time periods that were SO much worse than this

    gratitude, gratitude, gratitude

  • Jun 24, 2022

    Let’s hope the USA empire collapses soon Inshallah

    Avi to comment on point

  • Jun 24, 2022

    It is called global warming but no one cares about that, we only care about sensitive nonsense

    i kinda forgot about this

  • Changeofheart

    Who are you, and how did I offend you

    For trolling

  • Jun 24, 2022

    if ur posting on ktt, it's likely that ur life is more privileged than u realize

    the fact that we are living in the 21st century is proof that we pretty much won the cosmic lottery

    u gotta realize that human history is chocked full of events and time periods that were SO much worse than this

    gratitude, gratitude, gratitude

  • Jun 24, 2022

    f*** anybody to say give up and focus on yourself or to just be grateful for what you have

    people like @op don't even have that luxury so shut the f*** up god damn

  • Jun 24, 2022

    if ur posting on ktt, it's likely that ur life is more privileged than u realize

    the fact that we are living in the 21st century is proof that we pretty much won the cosmic lottery

    u gotta realize that human history is chocked full of events and time periods that were SO much worse than this

    gratitude, gratitude, gratitude

    We’ve replaced fear of death from war or illness with fear of burning out from academic or paid work and fear of loneliness from lack of social relationships, empathy or physical and emotional love from others
    Granted, we live in way better times, but those times are still incredibly f***ing s***ty
    Especially when you barely suffice now and don’t know if you’ll manage in the coming years

  • Jun 24, 2022

    it's only going to get worse

  • Jun 24, 2022

    Mans said Biden's America like he control the SC lmfao.

  • Jun 24, 2022

    relax yall lol

  • Jun 24, 2022

    It's alright OP just throw on this song and chill out