  • Mar 2, 2020

    You got psychosis bruh

    Aint no ghosts

  • Mar 2, 2020

    It's sleep paralysis fam. If it makes you feel better many believe that sleep paralysis is a link to the spiritual world

  • Mar 2, 2020

  • Mar 2, 2020

    LMFAO this nigga wants to experience Jins and Demons.

    You trynna trade lives bro? I see them in my dreams every night and my dreams manifest into reality 75 percent of the time so whats up bro

    Do tell

  • Mar 2, 2020

    Thxs op u inspired me to smoke a bowl and meditate

  • Mar 2, 2020

    This isn’t true,

    Based on people’s accounts who’ve done the research, spirits only appear when an individual is in a altered stare of consciousness, because that’s the only way the two beings can be semi on the same “field”

    And it wasn’t sleep paralysis cause like I said, I wasn’t paralyzed. I just asleep, and aware of my dream.

    But when I woke up I could move freely

    You said when you woke up you could move freely

  • Mar 2, 2020


  • Mar 2, 2020

    wtf!!! I just saw a ghost too!

  • Do not summon spirits.

    They are already here, walking amongst us. Seek them

  • blanc

    LMFAO this nigga wants to experience Jins and Demons.

    You trynna trade lives bro? I see them in my dreams every night and my dreams manifest into reality 75 percent of the time so whats up bro


    I can help you rid yourself if you want

  • Mar 2, 2020
    Ōzaru Nayuta


    Talking about a ghost like it's some p****

    this the funniest s***

  • Mar 2, 2020

    Mind playing tricks on people.

    The mind is the most dangerous weapon

  • Mar 2, 2020

    You should’ve let your ass rip on the ghost, give em a whiff of the old stinker

    Teach em a lesson to not mess with you

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Mar 2, 2020
    1 reply

    This isn’t true,

    Based on people’s accounts who’ve done the research, spirits only appear when an individual is in a altered stare of consciousness, because that’s the only way the two beings can be semi on the same “field”

    And it wasn’t sleep paralysis cause like I said, I wasn’t paralyzed. I just asleep, and aware of my dream.

    But when I woke up I could move freely

    You just said you "woke up"
    You were just lucid dreaming bro

  • Mar 2, 2020
    Mmm Hmm

    You just said you "woke up"
    You were just lucid dreaming bro

    The dream was the short conversation with the guy

    everything else was after I woke up; the sounds, the feelings of touch on my face, the feeling like something was right next to me