im f***ing with a girl whos from seattle and she swears its a great city
its all preferences
its all preferences
cant nobody love the amount of the rain except depressed people
cant nobody love the amount of the rain except depressed people
The world doesn’t work like that. Some people really enjoy the overcast and rain for most days. Just like some people like it being 100 every single day or snowy.
The world doesn’t work like that. Some people really enjoy the overcast and rain for most days. Just like some people like it being 100 every single day or snowy.
yeah, no
never met or saw anyone who says they enjoy 100+ degree weather everyday nor snowy weather everyday
anyone who says they'd enjoy if it rained as much as op said it was is probably either depressed or has no social life
yeah, no
never met or saw anyone who says they enjoy 100+ degree weather everyday nor snowy weather everyday
anyone who says they'd enjoy if it rained as much as op said it was is probably either depressed or has no social life
You literally have and its that girl who says the city is great. I have met people that say the opposite who love certain “extreme” weathers. You sound so dumb
You literally have and its that girl who says the city is great. I have met people that say the opposite who love certain “extreme” weathers. You sound so dumb
and you should hop off my d*** and worry about something more important in your life.
you're not changing my stance
im f***ing with a girl whos from seattle and she swears its a great city
its p cool to visit at least
its p cool to visit at least
i'd visit too, but never would i live there. dont even think she wanna live there after experiencing nyc
i'd visit too, but never would i live there. dont even think she wanna live there after experiencing nyc
the lack of diversity in Seattle would prolly be annoying too tbh
pt. 2
High of 104 today tbh I still take this over living in the town from Twilight
Edit: 105 and with 30% chance of rain bizarrely
sounds like my type of weather tbh. i love rain
Candles are best lit when it’s raining outside
I love it. ~50 days of the year. Not 300. Then I hate it.
right, exactly. has to be the minority
sounds like my type of weather tbh. i love rain
and you should hop off my d*** and worry about something more important in your life.
you're not changing my stance
Lmao how am i on your d*** for being able to defend a point logically? You’re stance is ignorant because out of 8 billion people, at least one (non depressed, socialite) loves the rain enough to want it to stay in it. There’s a reason Seattle is a huge attraction.
Lmao how am i on your d*** for being able to defend a point logically? You’re stance is ignorant because out of 8 billion people, at least one (non depressed, socialite) loves the rain enough to want it to stay in it. There’s a reason Seattle is a huge attraction.
once again,
get off my d*** and worry about something of more importance rather than quoting me over this when you're not going to change my stance on what i said
High of 104 today tbh I still take this over living in the town from Twilight
Edit: 105 and with 30% chance of rain bizarrely
we sweatin
Lmao how am i on your d*** for being able to defend a point logically? You’re stance is ignorant because out of 8 billion people, at least one (non depressed, socialite) loves the rain enough to want it to stay in it. There’s a reason Seattle is a huge attraction.
Imagine arguing about this
Seek help