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  • Oct 20, 2022


    Yea honestly I’m still pretty clean from p*** to this day

    I think it helped me to abstain and reframe my thoughts around p***. It’s just not as appealing anymore

  • Oct 20, 2022
    1 reply

    To be clear I was microdosing mushrooms at the time, not p***

  • Oct 20, 2022
    1 reply

    Niggas said 2007 Cocos ass

  • Oct 20, 2022

    nigga i’m still crying this damn near the funniest post i read in my life 😭😭😭😭

  • Oct 20, 2022


  • Oct 20, 2022

    give into your vices and let them control you

  • Oct 20, 2022
    1 reply

    Niggas said 2007 Cocos ass

    This has been a 15 year fight for this nigga LMAO

  • Oct 20, 2022

    title is killing me

  • Oct 20, 2022
    1 reply

    Do whatever you want with your life but I just need to ask, is there a measurable or tangible benefit to abstaining from masturbation? But not sex? (That’s not anecdotal) It really just seems to me like this entire game people have been playing is really just a perversion (for lack of a better term) of the puritanical or tantric religious belief that denying yourself pleasure somehow brings you closer to godliness or holiness or enlightenment. Which is all bullshit of course.

    If you want to play this game because you feel like you’re ‘wasting time’ it just seems like a very arbitrary line to draw. Like, why not also take a vow of celibacy? Or commit yourself to living like the Amish without electronics? Or become a nun in a convent and devote your life to charity and maximizing the prosperity of others? What is this narrow focus about masturbation based on?

    My intuition is that it comes from Puritanical moralizing and/or sex-negative feminist clap trap. Also, a lot of the people claiming to go months of years without masturbating could very easily be frauds just wanting other people to follow their mythological example, just like the story of Jesus or Mohammed. I mean, part of the reason circumcision (genital mutilation) became a common practice was that it was believed by Jews that it would somehow curb masturbation by making the glans of the p**** chaff in the typical manual manipulation and thus deter the male from masturbating. F***ing brutal, right? Let’s mutilate this infant’s p**** without their consent because they would never consent to it when they’re an adult unless we gave them this gigantic complex about it through decades of cultural brainwashing. No Fap is just more of the same. Guilt and shame for a completely natural and harmless activity.

    If masturbating somehow makes you upset because you believe you don’t have this nebulous concept of 'self control’ or 'discipline’ then let’s unpack that. It’s as though if you don’t make your bed every morning you’re a weak or lazy person when in fact it’s just cloth on a cushion that doesn’t in any way improve your quality of life no matter how it’s arranged. But some people seem to like to make their bed because it makes it look nice is guess, or because it’s some kind of statement about your self as being a 'neat’ person. But no one cares if you make your bed, they care that you use your indicator light when changing lanes. They care that you don’t cut in line. They care that you can keep your appointments. They care that you can reliably contribute to the great big zoo we live in and not disrupt its operation. Whatever personal quest you go on to find your ‘true self’ is, really think about whether it will truly make your life better or if you really are finding your ‘true self’.

    But don’t get me wrong, life isn’t about how many units of wealth you can accumulate. It’s not about productivity. Life is an emergent but objectively pointless phenomenon, and the goal of making money ought to be to reach a state of where you don’t need to worry about making money (I call it “capitalstasis”). Making money shouldn’t be the goal.

    To me all these people asserting these unfounded benefits of abstaining from masturbation are just lost kids disillusioned by the reality of the world being so incongruous with their parental programming from childhood. Religion turned out to be a lie, politics turns out to be a lie, popular culture turned out to be a lie, and now it turns out they have no identity, no path to immortality, they wont become a rockstar or world-touring stand up comedian or NBA player or platinum-selling rapper, so all they’re left with are these pseudo-spiritual ecumenical non-denominational secular exercises like 'no fap’ or veganism or Social Justice or even fidget spinners. Yeah, not even joking. The Fidget Spinner is just the secular version of Catholic rosary beads or Japanese spinning drum or Hindu prayer wheels. Supposedly it helps you 'find your center’ or some other meaningless unfalsifiable claim. It seems like people like to put s***and companionship and relationships on this high plane like the only way to be happy in life is to have a boyfriend or girlfriend and have passionate s***and have a group of good friends and just in general be a 'normie’. I’m not buying it. We are far better off living in a self-contained survival pod f***ing a harem of s***robots. Or just becoming an archialect super-consciousness without an individual physical body.

    From my perspective, when you measure the scope of human history and progress, humanity seems to be trending towards maximization of potential/freedom of actions. If that means some day humans become totally a-sexual and dissociate from their genitalia and amputate sexual pleasure from their cognition then that’s what it means. But until that post-human/transhuman era (if that is where it’s heading), Placing this guilt on yourself about masturbation is really a bigger waste of energy than masturbation itself.

  • Oct 20, 2022

  • Oct 20, 2022

    Nothing wrong with it

  • Oct 20, 2022

    Do whatever you want with your life but I just need to ask, is there a measurable or tangible benefit to abstaining from masturbation? But not sex? (That’s not anecdotal) It really just seems to me like this entire game people have been playing is really just a perversion (for lack of a better term) of the puritanical or tantric religious belief that denying yourself pleasure somehow brings you closer to godliness or holiness or enlightenment. Which is all bullshit of course.

    If you want to play this game because you feel like you’re ‘wasting time’ it just seems like a very arbitrary line to draw. Like, why not also take a vow of celibacy? Or commit yourself to living like the Amish without electronics? Or become a nun in a convent and devote your life to charity and maximizing the prosperity of others? What is this narrow focus about masturbation based on?

    My intuition is that it comes from Puritanical moralizing and/or sex-negative feminist clap trap. Also, a lot of the people claiming to go months of years without masturbating could very easily be frauds just wanting other people to follow their mythological example, just like the story of Jesus or Mohammed. I mean, part of the reason circumcision (genital mutilation) became a common practice was that it was believed by Jews that it would somehow curb masturbation by making the glans of the p**** chaff in the typical manual manipulation and thus deter the male from masturbating. F***ing brutal, right? Let’s mutilate this infant’s p**** without their consent because they would never consent to it when they’re an adult unless we gave them this gigantic complex about it through decades of cultural brainwashing. No Fap is just more of the same. Guilt and shame for a completely natural and harmless activity.

    If masturbating somehow makes you upset because you believe you don’t have this nebulous concept of 'self control’ or 'discipline’ then let’s unpack that. It’s as though if you don’t make your bed every morning you’re a weak or lazy person when in fact it’s just cloth on a cushion that doesn’t in any way improve your quality of life no matter how it’s arranged. But some people seem to like to make their bed because it makes it look nice is guess, or because it’s some kind of statement about your self as being a 'neat’ person. But no one cares if you make your bed, they care that you use your indicator light when changing lanes. They care that you don’t cut in line. They care that you can keep your appointments. They care that you can reliably contribute to the great big zoo we live in and not disrupt its operation. Whatever personal quest you go on to find your ‘true self’ is, really think about whether it will truly make your life better or if you really are finding your ‘true self’.

    But don’t get me wrong, life isn’t about how many units of wealth you can accumulate. It’s not about productivity. Life is an emergent but objectively pointless phenomenon, and the goal of making money ought to be to reach a state of where you don’t need to worry about making money (I call it “capitalstasis”). Making money shouldn’t be the goal.

    To me all these people asserting these unfounded benefits of abstaining from masturbation are just lost kids disillusioned by the reality of the world being so incongruous with their parental programming from childhood. Religion turned out to be a lie, politics turns out to be a lie, popular culture turned out to be a lie, and now it turns out they have no identity, no path to immortality, they wont become a rockstar or world-touring stand up comedian or NBA player or platinum-selling rapper, so all they’re left with are these pseudo-spiritual ecumenical non-denominational secular exercises like 'no fap’ or veganism or Social Justice or even fidget spinners. Yeah, not even joking. The Fidget Spinner is just the secular version of Catholic rosary beads or Japanese spinning drum or Hindu prayer wheels. Supposedly it helps you 'find your center’ or some other meaningless unfalsifiable claim. It seems like people like to put s***and companionship and relationships on this high plane like the only way to be happy in life is to have a boyfriend or girlfriend and have passionate s***and have a group of good friends and just in general be a 'normie’. I’m not buying it. We are far better off living in a self-contained survival pod f***ing a harem of s***robots. Or just becoming an archialect super-consciousness without an individual physical body.

    From my perspective, when you measure the scope of human history and progress, humanity seems to be trending towards maximization of potential/freedom of actions. If that means some day humans become totally a-sexual and dissociate from their genitalia and amputate sexual pleasure from their cognition then that’s what it means. But until that post-human/transhuman era (if that is where it’s heading), Placing this guilt on yourself about masturbation is really a bigger waste of energy than masturbation itself.

    first of all, there is actually a name deigned towards abstaining from worldly pleasures in the pursuit of holiness and/or attaining theosis, and it's known as asceticism, you sound like a real enlightened Reddit atheist attempting to dismiss millennia and centuries of theology by simply dismissing it as a "lie." - if you personally don't believe in God and that's where you're staking your claim have at it, but to try to delegate everyone who swears off worldly pleasures (and the reason they do it is because it's a distraction from man's true nature which is spirituality/matters relating to the soul) as if they're engaged in some elaborate conspiracy and everyone that's doing it is somehow wrong, yet of course, you're super enlightened and right because you think you have the 'God problem' solved and tucked away.

    i personally think it's quite a leap to dismiss centuries upon centuries of a practice borderline native to most religions since their inception (as you can find ascetic attitudes in just about every major religion and even the more fringe ones that you can think of) but i digress, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about like most atheists and agnostics ive spoken to thus far.

    it's adorable, but nothing really new, not really worth anything either and quite frankly i don't even know why i bothered typing up a response to such bad faith argumentation (also i find it rich how you wax about the dubious negatives of Puritanical morals pertaining to masturbation and gloss over the other morals that we literally live by today, more neo-atheism of course)

    anyways, you go on and on about essentially nothing worth responding to, more secularity self-masturbation about religion being a farce (neo-atheism) politics being a farce (sure, i guess) other drivel and nonsense that doesn't really address any of OPs issues or points either. people have reported differences and benefits from abstaining from masturbation, such as more confidence, feeling a lot more energetic, less lethargic etc. i am not of the NoFap intelligentsia that believes masturbation is the bane of a p*** consumer's existence and that magically stopping it is the silver bullet that can singlehandedly cure depression and other things that ail other people, but there's clearly some form of benefits from partaking in it, that you're refusing to acknowledge because it doesn't fit your narcissistic humanist worldview that man should be able to indulge oneself in whatever they feel like because there's essentially no reason not to as long as it doesn't step on anyone else's toes.

    cool i guess, but i don't think that really gives anyone a pass to be a degenerate on their own time. i digress. also as a sidenote, the actual programming that is instilled in most people's childhood is the idea of scientism and materialism. religion has taken a backseat quite a long time ago (here's to you Enlightenment era) so i don't even know what you're talking about. there's a marked bit of exceptions of people that have grown up in religious households, but as these people age and grow older they become disillusioned and removed from their religions oftentimes with piss poor argumentation and philosophical reasoning to reject spirituality and overall a world beyond themselves (such as yourself, really)

    "The walls erected between the sciences and the humanities after the Enlightenment have multiplied into walls erected between the countless subdisciplines within each scientific field, from physics and chemistry to biology and computer science. Reductionism took over education and we lost sight of the whole."

    this is all in line with the Kali Yuga anyways though, so have it

  • Oct 20, 2022
    2 replies

    When she squirting at the same time he is c*******

    You talking about that amateur couple on PH lmao?

    Their videos are WILD. They’re like 4k and close up… amazing quality, she’s smokin hot and she like squirts at the same time the due creampies her


  • rvi 🐸
    Oct 20, 2022
    2 replies

    You talking about that amateur couple on PH lmao?

    Their videos are WILD. They’re like 4k and close up… amazing quality, she’s smokin hot and she like squirts at the same time the due creampies her



  • Oct 20, 2022

    Wait til u watch my movies

  • Oct 20, 2022
    1 reply


  • Oct 20, 2022
    3 replies
    cold mountain

    christian fundamentalists have nothing to do with this you foaming at the mouth idiot are you niggas itt serious?

    You don’t understand and that’s fine but you don’t have to be mean Ignance

  • Oct 20, 2022

    I mean, sometimes it comes in clutch

  • Oct 20, 2022
    1 reply

    You don’t understand and that’s fine but you don’t have to be mean Ignance

    They’re always so rude and condescending aren’t they?

  • Oct 20, 2022
    1 reply

    You don’t understand and that’s fine but you don’t have to be mean Ignance

    yep, im the one with the misunderstanding because... i dont think people are thinking about how God is gonna smite them for masturbating

    sure i guess

  • Oct 20, 2022

    They’re always so rude and condescending aren’t they?

    you just dismissed religion as a lie and cherry picked puritans to try to steel a strawman of religion, and you expect someone who's actually engaged with religion + philosophy above a surface level to not be rude and condescending?

  • Oct 20, 2022

    Nigga you need solitary confinement

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