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  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply

    You know when you reduce everything like this everything we do sounds stupid, it's not a good angle to pick

    OK, then do it in a way that doesn't make touching yourself while watching two or more strangers have s***sound stupid or weird

  • Jan 23, 2022

  • Jan 23, 2022

    hilarious title

  • Jan 23, 2022
    3 replies
    BlueChew Sean

    I'd understand defending masturbating, but nah. You niggas are in here riding for p*** You could just masturbate without p*** if you're really concerned about health and your prostate But you can't, because you're addicted to p***

    And that post about p*** normalizing things is true. We've all seen countless titles containing "Stepmom", "Petite Teen". And then there's all the racial fetshizing too. The weirdest s*** is seeing these pregnant women videos. Imagine niggas jerking off to a video you were in before you were even born It may not be the videos you watch, but this is what you mfs defending p*** are defending.

    If you're addicted to p***, fine. But don't defend p*** and act like it's normal just because you want to validate your own addiction to it.

    Stop the projecting man I don't even watch p*** like that

    I'm just sick of you self righteous morons pedalling talking points fuelled by hate group churches, you don't have to watch p*** no one is forcing you except your complete lack of willpower, being such a b**** and trying to cancel culture p*** when lots of people watch it normally just makes you look like a Karen

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply

    Stop the projecting man I don't even watch p*** like that

    I'm just sick of you self righteous morons pedalling talking points fuelled by hate group churches, you don't have to watch p*** no one is forcing you except your complete lack of willpower, being such a b**** and trying to cancel culture p*** when lots of people watch it normally just makes you look like a Karen

    This entire post is just calling him names u not even bringing up points or nothing.

  • Jan 23, 2022

    This entire post is just calling him names u not even bringing up points or nothing.

    here's some more, F*** you b****!

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply

    Stop the projecting man I don't even watch p*** like that

    I'm just sick of you self righteous morons pedalling talking points fuelled by hate group churches, you don't have to watch p*** no one is forcing you except your complete lack of willpower, being such a b**** and trying to cancel culture p*** when lots of people watch it normally just makes you look like a Karen

    Lots of people don't watch it normally though It legitimately causes serious addiction problems, affects the way men view and treat women, marriages to end. Plenty of people don't even realize they have a problem or are in denial

    If p*** really isn't such an issue, you'd be able to masturbate without it But you can't let it go, you even edited out the part where you said you only watch it once a week. Again, it's fine if you're addicted. But don't defend p***, it's unnatural and weird

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Lots of people don't watch it normally though It legitimately causes serious addiction problems, affects the way men view and treat women, marriages to end. Plenty of people don't even realize they have a problem or are in denial

    If p*** really isn't such an issue, you'd be able to masturbate without it But you can't let it go, you even edited out the part where you said you only watch it once a week. Again, it's fine if you're addicted. But don't defend p***, it's unnatural and weird

    If you made a Venn diagram of people who hate women and want to ban p*** it would be close to a circle, there is a huge problem with how men treat women but it existed without p*** and is indicative of a problem much more nefarious than p***, it will continue to exist and is not just a result of sexual dynamics/desires

    You're such a spicy little minx with the point about once a week, it was a moot point cause I already said that earlier in the post that I do watch it sometimes but if watching it once a week is addictive behaviour then throw me in the mental hospital because I'm f***ing insane

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    OK, then do it in a way that doesn't make touching yourself while watching two or more strangers have s***sound stupid or weird

    @yesac You forgot to reply to this

  • Jan 23, 2022

    Yeah I love p***

    Always will fasho

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply

    If you made a Venn diagram of people who hate women and want to ban p*** it would be close to a circle, there is a huge problem with how men treat women but it existed without p*** and is indicative of a problem much more nefarious than p***, it will continue to exist and is not just a result of sexual dynamics/desires

    You're such a spicy little minx with the point about once a week, it was a moot point cause I already said that earlier in the post that I do watch it sometimes but if watching it once a week is addictive behaviour then throw me in the mental hospital because I'm f***ing insane

    I didn't say p*** is the sole cause, but p*** definitely affects the way men view women negatively. Idk how you can even deny this

    It's not even about the frequency, it's about not being able to stop even when it's such a rare indulgence for you. You're trying to normalize p*** and s*** on others who see the problems with it because you can't resist it

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    @yesac You forgot to reply to this

    What are we doing here man are we having a discussion about p*** or are you giving me philosophy homework

    If you break down having s***in the same way you could say its taking your lubed up genital tube and peeling back the skin to insert into a woman's genital hole for the purpose of spraying gooey white cream, of course it sounds stupid when you have an agenda

  • Jan 23, 2022

    eminem show slander

  • Jan 23, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    I didn't say p*** is the sole cause, but p*** definitely affects the way men view women negatively. Idk how you can even deny this

    It's not even about the frequency, it's about not being able to stop even when it's such a rare indulgence for you. You're trying to normalize p*** and s*** on others who see the problems with it because you can't resist it

    do you have literacy difficulties cause nowhere did I deny that, but if you think banning p*** would solve all misogyny then you don't grasp how much misogyny there actually is and how deep rooted it is far more than p*** which can be degrading of men too

    I went a whole year without watching p*** in 2019/2020, I could give it up tomorrow if I really wanted to but it's fun to watch sometimes, that's what it's there for, it's not a crutch or a necessity, but I'm a free human and I'm allowed to do whatever I want without some Karen d*** watching me

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply

    What are we doing here man are we having a discussion about p*** or are you giving me philosophy homework

    If you break down having s***in the same way you could say its taking your lubed up genital tube and peeling back the skin to insert into a woman's genital hole for the purpose of spraying gooey white cream, of course it sounds stupid when you have an agenda

    S***is the way we reproduce and the reason all of us are here tho. Why do you need to watch other people have s***to get your nut off? You say I'm trying to make it sound stupid, but that's literally what p*** is.

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    S***is the way we reproduce and the reason all of us are here tho. Why do you need to watch other people have s***to get your nut off? You say I'm trying to make it sound stupid, but that's literally what p*** is.

    Watching p*** is how (some) people have fun, some people use it as a crutch which is obviously not healthy and can be emblematic of deeper problems of living an unfulfilling life and not working towards anything, but watching p*** a few times a week is not something that goes against living a happy and fulfilled life

    While you're at it you may as well just ban everything people enjoy like d****, alcohol, music etc. cause it's destructive and can be equally addictive often with much more sinister ramifications

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply

    Watching p*** is how (some) people have fun, some people use it as a crutch which is obviously not healthy and can be emblematic of deeper problems of living an unfulfilling life and not working towards anything, but watching p*** a few times a week is not something that goes against living a happy and fulfilled life

    While you're at it you may as well just ban everything people enjoy like d****, alcohol, music etc. cause it's destructive and can be equally addictive often with much more sinister ramifications

    You equating p*** with d**** and alcohol is all I needed. If you can admit p*** can be harmful, like d**** and alcohol can be, then we agree on something

    But the difference is, you need alcohol and d**** to get drunk and high. You can still get your nut off just masturbating. But it don't hit the same and guys struggle to do that because of the addictive and harmful characteristics of p***

  • Go seek Jesus

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    You equating p*** with d**** and alcohol is all I needed. If you can admit p*** can be harmful, like d**** and alcohol can be, then we agree on something

    But the difference is, you need alcohol and d**** to get drunk and high. You can still get your nut off just masturbating. But it don't hit the same and guys struggle to do that because of the addictive and harmful characteristics of p***

    This is a boring ass semantics argument let people do what they want Karen most people that aren't extremely online aren't deranged coomers like you and the people ITT

  • Jan 23, 2022
    2 replies

    This is a boring ass semantics argument let people do what they want Karen most people that aren't extremely online aren't deranged coomers like you and the people ITT

    Imagine accusing me of having literacy difficulties and projecting when that's all you've been doing ITT to defend touching yourself to other people having s*** That p*** is frying your brain man. I don't think you even know what semantics means, that doesn't apply here at all.

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    Imagine accusing me of having literacy difficulties and projecting when that's all you've been doing ITT to defend touching yourself to other people having s*** That p*** is frying your brain man. I don't think you even know what semantics means, that doesn't apply here at all.

    you're arguing about words you deranged coomer with your "Look at this sentence and tell me it doesn't sound crazy"

    Words explain things, very cool!

    lets talk about the real world here for a minute and get your mind thinking beyond your little coomer addict bubble, there are heaps of people that consume a healthy amount of p***, there are also people that consume p*** in an unhealthy way, it is not the root cause of misogyny, that's the last thing that needs to be said

  • Jan 23, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    Imagine accusing me of having literacy difficulties and projecting when that's all you've been doing ITT to defend touching yourself to other people having s*** That p*** is frying your brain man. I don't think you even know what semantics means, that doesn't apply here at all.

    I fw you

  • Jan 23, 2022
    1 reply

    you're arguing about words you deranged coomer with your "Look at this sentence and tell me it doesn't sound crazy"

    Words explain things, very cool!

    lets talk about the real world here for a minute and get your mind thinking beyond your little coomer addict bubble, there are heaps of people that consume a healthy amount of p***, there are also people that consume p*** in an unhealthy way, it is not the root cause of misogyny, that's the last thing that needs to be said

    I said it affects the way men view women, I never said it's the root cause of misogyny The posts are right here, all you need to do is scroll up

    It's not semantics, people engaging in sexual activities is literally what p*** is You watch that and jerk off to it. How else would you describe it?

    You're resorting to strawmen and ad hominems to defend your p*** habit. You only feel some type of way because these "Karens" are criticizing an activity you participate in. Insecurity at its highest

  • Jan 23, 2022
    BlueChew Sean

    I said it affects the way men view women, I never said it's the root cause of misogyny The posts are right here, all you need to do is scroll up

    It's not semantics, people engaging in sexual activities is literally what p*** is You watch that and jerk off to it. How else would you describe it?

    You're resorting to strawmen and ad hominems to defend your p*** habit. You only feel some type of way because these "Karens" are criticizing an activity you participate in. Insecurity at its highest

    I didn't read this post but I assume its more going around in circles, so in which case I bid you farewell and good luck with the rest of your life

  • Jan 23, 2022

    @op exercise more willpower

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