Had to swerve out of the way and took out a stop sign ended up in a ditch. If I would’ve stayed straight he would’ve hit me head on.
The guy that I moved away from stayed on the scene.
Of course he’s saying that’s not the case.
This came at a really bad time. I’m feeling low I can’t lie
hope you're feeling okay op ❤️
Thanks for the love I really need it rn
Airbag has a punch to it my hand/wrist is f***ed up
But I’m ok
Thanks for the love I really need it rn
Airbag has a punch to it my hand/wrist is f***ed up
But I’m ok
if you haven't got it checked out yet, you should
S*** happens bro, at least your safe and nobody else was hurt and that’s what matters. Would recommend getting a dash cam.
S*** happens bro, at least your safe and nobody else was hurt and that’s what matters. Would recommend getting a dash cam.
That’s true
That’s a positive way to look at it
When it rains it pours
Glad you’re ok OP. Don’t let it bother you too much, it wasn’t your fault
I’m still going to have to pay out of pocket for damages to my car
But it looks like the stop sign damages will be mended for by insurance
I’m disappointed because the way insurance works there’s a lot of grey area. You are usually at fault in that grey area
I’m glad I’m not too hurt. It could’ve been worse.
Lesson to myself
Things can change at any given moment
Be sure to show gratitude for the things in life that come easily
Anything and everything could be taken away at any moment
Anger.. depression.. fear. All of those emotions just waste time. It’s so hard to focus when you have that knot in your chest, though.
I’ll keep moving forward. Sorry for the hesitation.