It is now definitively my favorite film of all time. Lets discuss this cinematic masterpiece and the genius that is Jason Segel together. How did he do it? How did he make the perfect film? Going in I wasn’t sure what to expect. I feel like I’d watched this film years ago but some how have no real memory whatsoever of doing so.
Regardless, I went in fresh well into an hour and a half trip on 3.5g of shrooms after first watching Fury Road (deadass thought I was watching a video game walkthrough at one point crazy!) with my girl. Watching The Muppets was actually her idea and I just figured….well I didn’t figure anything, I was just high but grateful for this momentary lapse of judgement nonetheless because I sincerely think this is a perfect film.
It’s FUNNY AS F***! and in a surprisingly mature and adult way. At least, more so than any of its predecessors. It’s so incredibly charming and heartfelt that’s difficult not to find yourself sort of immersed within it. Then again, maybe that was just the shrooms You can tell that this was a labor of love for Jason and everyone involved and it was handled with so much heart, love, and care that it just overflows out of the screen. Not sure what the reception was when this first dropped. I know he won an Oscar for Man or Muppet (well deserved the music throughout the film is incredible) but whatever praise it gets likely isn’t enough. It’s one of those films that reminds you why you love movies so much. I’m giving it 5 Weezy F Baby’s
out of 5 and the F is for Fenomenal
Absolute f***ing classic.
Amazing songs.
Great comedy.
Great time.
La La Land don’t got s*** on the Jason Segal Muppets movie.
If Jason ain’t involved I’m good
Didn’t even bother watching it, seemed worthless without Segal
depends on what he got muted for
I made a thread about Earl making a guest appearance on the first episode of Atlanta this season as the voice of a dead rapper thus spoiling the episode and ruining Atlanta forever
I made a thread about Earl making a guest appearance on the first episode of Atlanta this season as the voice of a dead rapper thus spoiling the episode and ruining Atlanta forever
naw jim henson pitched a muppets movie and they told him to f*** off and made jason segal movie instead s*** wack
naw jim henson pitched a muppets movie and they told him to f*** off and made jason segal movie instead s*** wack
Well We got a classic out of it
So I’m not complaining
I made a thread about Earl making a guest appearance on the first episode of Atlanta this season as the voice of a dead rapper thus spoiling the episode and ruining Atlanta forever
If I didn't already watch it I would've definitely been happy hearing that and I would've tuned in
naw jim henson pitched a muppets movie and they told him to f*** off and made jason segal movie instead s*** wack
Who is they?