This was me when i moved to nyc then i discovered that alot of the nightlife just wanted to have s***so i had s***almost every nigjt for months to fill the void and then covid hit so i had to learn to be by myself and then now i think i convinced mtself i am asexual
damn that was an entire turn up
You don’t have a job? Like at all? My brother your priorities are in the gutter
Get your life together first then worry about all this other s***
I had to quit my last job due to me having to relocate fast.
The apartments had called me after being on there list for like nearly a year and said they had an opening and had basically a week to move or they give it to someone else
I had to quit my last job due to me having to relocate fast.
The apartments had called me after being on there list for like nearly a year and said they had an opening and had basically a week to move or they give it to someone else
F*** some friends you got bills, find a new job first nigga
F*** some friends you got bills, find a new job first nigga
The older you get, the harder it's gonna be to find connections with people. If you don't got any friends by your late 20s, you're probably gonna be alone for the rest of your life
I moved to my own place in a new city several months ago in the dead of winter. Felt super lonely too at the time since it was way too cold to go outside. I ended up adopting a stray cat and she's lowkey my best friend now. Whenever I'm home she's always by my side.
Your first priority by a mile should be to get a f***ing job, btw.
F*** some friends you got bills, find a new job first nigga
I’m trying mane this job market is hard unless you tryna labor at the warehouse
I’m tryna get a lazy boy job
Broke, consistently jacking off too hentai & banned off of every dating site on existence thats 3 strikes bro
I live in a increasingly gentrifying midtown area…
Idk if these hipsters will want a black male at there shops I’ll check it out tho
Bro where you stay? I'm not asking for specifics but if you give like a general location people on here who are better at being social might be able to point you in a good direction.
I basically got banned off hinge, tinder, and bumble can’t do that
how you got banned ?
Bro where you stay? I'm not asking for specifics but if you give like a general location people on here who are better at being social might be able to point you in a good direction.
I stay close to Woodland ca rn
thought you were gonna say ATL
If I was in ATL I would of been went to a lounge or club
If I was in ATL I would of been went to a lounge or club
Go on TikTok and look your city up
Damn yeah I’d rather be alone tbh. Interaction is cool but I love my alone time. I can focus on myself on things I want to do. Also stop beating your meat tho it will make you get up and wanna do s*** outside. You’re giving yourself all the satisfaction with no work done to earn it
OP I was in a similar situation last year
I rented a luxury apartment with my friend /roommate but it was so expensive .
Even after paying my half for the month I on had like $200 left for groceries. It was hell.
I was able to invite girls over from dating apps cause having an apartment alone was easy to pull but I couldn’t go no where cause I was broke
After the lease was done I moved back with my parents for a few and started doing hobbies that interest me like , skateboarding, basketball , going to the gym , photography, making music.
While doing these activities , I met people with similar interest and from there that’s how you build a friend group.
If all you do is stay home and beat your meat to hentai , do you think people would want to be friends with someone like that ?