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  • Dec 26, 2020

    I’m too unpopular for that

  • Dec 26, 2020

    I can imagine

    And of course man, dont ever stop expressing your emotions, its what helps us overcome those the best

    I appreciate this. I feel like very confused and hurt and partially that’s because i had expressed my emotions on my sleeve but it seems to not have helped anything. But i will be more aware of how i do this, i have to be aware of how i come off at times.

  • Dec 26, 2020
    1 reply

    a girl once told me to be a man when i shared some personal adversity i was going through. That bothered me and it made me very insecure and regretful over the fact i opened myself up.

    Next day after processing everything i tweeted something talking about that i dont care what your social construct of a man is and that i am ME

    she was all pissed when she saw that and talked bout some im being dramatic and childish and to come to her if i got somethin to say to her

    now yes she had something to do with it but at the same time she wasnt the sole reason i felt like saying that, its not like that interaction was the only thing that made me feel insecure about my "manhood" in connection to my personality and essence

    so yeah in a sense maybe i did sub her but not to the extent that i felt like it had all to do with her so i insisted on telling her it had none to do with her because at the same time i also didnt want her to think something so grand about my personality and confidence was to be attributed to her, didnt feel like she deserved to think its all about her

    Why u tweetin like a lil b****

  • Dec 26, 2020
    1 reply

    I heard this person was very controlling and honestly with my past experiences with them unfortunately that might very well be true. It kinda hurts cause i considered them a good friend but yeah man you’re right

  • Dec 26, 2020
    1 reply
    good boy

    Why u tweetin like a lil b****

    Felt like expressing myself on neutral ground

  • Dec 26, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    I heard this person was very controlling and honestly with my past experiences with them unfortunately that might very well be true. It kinda hurts cause i considered them a good friend but yeah man you’re right

    If they doing this s*** they were never a friend to begin with

  • Dec 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Keep your circle tight and your butt hole tighter 💯

  • Dec 26, 2020

    If they doing this s*** they were never a friend to begin with

    yeah man, i appreciate this.

  • Dec 26, 2020

    Keep your circle tight and your butt hole tighter 💯


  • Dec 26, 2020

    Feeling blessed idk what the f*** op is talking about 😌

    This too

  • Dec 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Felt like expressing myself on neutral ground

    That’s fine but it makes da p**** dry

  • Dec 26, 2020
    1 reply
    good boy

    That’s fine but it makes da p**** dry

    Still beat.

  • Dec 26, 2020

    Still beat.


  • Dec 26, 2020

    a girl once told me to be a man when i shared some personal adversity i was going through. That bothered me and it made me very insecure and regretful over the fact i opened myself up.

    Next day after processing everything i tweeted something talking about that i dont care what your social construct of a man is and that i am ME

    she was all pissed when she saw that and talked bout some im being dramatic and childish and to come to her if i got somethin to say to her

    now yes she had something to do with it but at the same time she wasnt the sole reason i felt like saying that, its not like that interaction was the only thing that made me feel insecure about my "manhood" in connection to my personality and essence

    so yeah in a sense maybe i did sub her but not to the extent that i felt like it had all to do with her so i insisted on telling her it had none to do with her because at the same time i also didnt want her to think something so grand about my personality and confidence was to be attributed to her, didnt feel like she deserved to think its all about her

    You did subtweet no matter how you spin it, that being said I feel you on why you felt bad. People will have a concept of a thing (say manhood), and will project that idea onto people when their actions are incongruous to the concept in their head. It's fair for her to think it's about her though, he prob felt the energy that you were shook in person.

    That being said if she felt bad and opened up and for example you hit her with "Man, all females do is cry." I'm pretty sure she'd feel shook too. Depending on whether not a person would subtweet is that own persons thing.

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