I hate surfing with hippies who only stand and wait for the smallest wave to come and do nothing but scream YIPEEEE and stand for 5 seconds on their knees over the board, like f***ing please get out of my way you useless swine I’m trying to catch a good wave and everything you do is ruin my weekend
Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky
If you start a gofundme i will donate to help out
Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky
Ever heard of the Southern Hemisphere?
That's not just a thing in animal crossing? Its real ?
op trynna shred
Rookie mistake
Jus Invest In a motorized shark fin like a pro and scare the weekenders away
Rookie mistake
Jus Invest In a motorized shark fin like a pro and scare the weekenders away
At the time I go there’s green flags or yellow, no sight of any dangerous creature looking for a meal, these buttheads are well educated
I’ve never gone surfing before, could I learn how to in a week or so?
Hippie detected
!dream I hate surfing with hippies who only stand and wait for the smallest wave to come and do nothing but scream YIPEEEE and stand for 5 seconds on their knees over the board, like f***ing please get out of my way you useless swine I’m trying to catch a good wave and everything you do is ruin my weekend