why can’t niggas just enjoy music for enjoying music and their personal tastes? why is there always some sort of agenda and you can’t just enjoy your own music without pressing dudes about what they like or dislike. the whole essence of this being a music community is fading away
example: you can’t like TPAB on this site because apparently you are fake woke or some dusthead. I grew up on a lot jazz, soul and funk music. These are sounds that resonate with me the most with my favourite musical inspirations on there.
So y’all don’t want me to like it because you don’t like it? Smh
worst thing is when the Sales obsessed people tell you music is bad cause it isnt possible
No OP you’re reads notes white and have no friends
i’m tall black and handsome
People love tpab on here
eh 75% of this site hate it as a meme
If that helps you sleep at night Landon
wow aren’t you amazing you can see through phone screens!!
wow aren’t you amazing you can see through phone screens!!
Listen You and I both know that because you don’t like the same music as me, you’re a dweeb who knows nothing about music
I’m right all the time
i mean its a music discussion forum, its no fun if everybody agrees w u
but i get what u mean its like u can't even mention some albums
Listen You and I both know that because you don’t like the same music as me, you’re a dweeb who knows nothing about music
I’m right all the time
you are weird but have a good day
people believe that a fanbase is the deciding factor in what makes music good or not
which is funny because they play pick and choose ignoring the fanbase of the s*** they stan
KTT the only place I see TPAB praise so that’s a bad example fam
I’ve seen TPAB hate on here idk wtf y’all talking about
i see it more than praise