I have a really hard time socializing with people and can’t really pick up on social cues. Most of the friends I have made either just ended up bullying me or they ignore me completely. I spend most of my time alone and have very little interaction with other people.
As a kid I never understood why no one liked me and I always felt that there was something wrong with me or that I inherently deserved to be treated the way I did. My mom was and still is emotionally distant and I never felt that I was loved.
This is one of the only places where I feel comfortable and where people actually seem to care about me thank y’all for that.
This post makes my heart hurt OP everyone deserves good friends. Especially as only child really cherish my friends. I hope you find your people in real life too dude
i got no friends either @op
Maybe start by not being an a****** to me on KTT and i'll be your friend
To be honest with you though OP I feel the same way you do a lot of the times. I think it all starts with looking within yourself, you should ask yourself what you can do to make others happy and be more selfless / not afraid to put yourself out there
Maybe start by not being an a****** to me on KTT and i'll be your friend
To be honest with you though OP I feel the same way you do a lot of the times. I think it all starts with looking within yourself, you should ask yourself what you can do to make others happy and be more selfless / not afraid to put yourself out there
apologies for being mean for no reason in the other thread
apologies for being mean for no reason in the other thread
apology accepted my dude, it's alright, i've said many things on the internet i regret and im still trying to be better everyday, learning to forgive is also something im working on
we all deserve to make mistakes!
i'm sorry too <3
Why do you think people are this way towards you?
i dont understand social ques so i always end up being awkward and everyone just thinks im weird and leaves me alone.
Also I overshare when people tell me that i can open up to them and end up scaring them off
i dont understand social ques so i always end up being awkward and everyone just thinks im weird and leaves me alone.
Also I overshare when people tell me that i can open up to them and end up scaring them off
what kind of social cues are you talking about? like are you just bad at conversational timing or do you not know how to tell when someone likes you / dislikes you?
what kind of social cues are you talking about? like are you just bad at conversational timing or do you not know how to tell when someone likes you / dislikes you?
I just saw your edit about oversharing. Brother you shouldn't talk too much if you want to make friends, just listen more and I promise people will like you more. You don't have to feel that people are so eager to learn more about you, learn about them first and be a good listener
i dont understand social ques so i always end up being awkward and everyone just thinks im weird and leaves me alone.
Also I overshare when people tell me that i can open up to them and end up scaring them off
Ever seen a therapist been diagnosed with any socializing disorder?
Ever seen a therapist been diagnosed with any socializing disorder?
im seeing a therapist now but we just talk about politics
im seeing a therapist now but we just talk about politics
That doesn't sound like a good therapist bro
im seeing a therapist now but we just talk about politics
oh nahhh... thats gone make u lose ur mind mane u gotta actually talk about u not just politics
apology accepted my dude, it's alright, i've said many things on the internet i regret and im still trying to be better everyday, learning to forgive is also something im working on
we all deserve to make mistakes!
i'm sorry too <3
my guy <3<3
OP your still in high school bruh relax
Most people are somewhat awkward in high school even people who seem put together.
im seeing a therapist now but we just talk about politics
That doesn't sound like a good therapist bro
i basically use her as someone who i can talk to because she doesnt judge me or think im weird
OP focus on taking care of your physical and mental well being if u can develop some healthy habits at this point it'll serve you later on too
im seeing a therapist now but we just talk about politics
You should try group therapy
i basically use her as someone who i can talk to because she doesnt judge me or think im weird
Your therapist can’t be your comfort zone, I’m afraid