  • Even outside of a political context i see myself as a radically progressive person is how I’m going to preface this thread

    I wonder whether people nowadays are really still speaking to their children about s***, because im kind of assuming that the whole birds and the bees talk you used to hear about in tvs and movies is something that doesn’t happen anymore just because the way I see it , if a parent is on the more liberal side of things then they might feel content to let gym teachers outline the basics and maybe answer any questions their son or daughter might have , but also even if a parent is deeply religious , chances are that they would try to impart those values on their kids and lead to them almost just crossing their fingers and hoping that it isn’t even something that they’ll have to worry about ;

    I know that That was an entirely too long tangent but I feel that everything I just said more or less applies to d*** use as well . However , with what seems like an increasing percentage of people experimenting with substances , i don’t know if it would be wise to not speak to your kids about the inherent danger involved with d****

    Now my dilemma is that i am high on multiple s*** as I’m typing this , and maybe what I’m about to say is youthful over exuberance and my opinions will change as I get older , but i wonder whether or not it would be hypocritical for me to just give my kids a nancy reagan style diatribe about how you should never do any kind of d**** at all , because as deep as the hole I’ve dug for myself is as a result of d*** usage , and as much as i feel that the people who think like that are right to feel that way , i also think that i would be a completely different person if i never did shrooms or tabs , and it’s not like its been all peaches and cream but i do appreciate the perspective it gave me on things

    What are you going to tell your kids about d**** ?

  • Dec 11, 2023

    It's okay to make mistakes but consider your actions and how they may affect yourself and others including your parents. Don't give a reason for us to worry or betray our trust

    Also until you get a job and pay rent your financial decisions are mine too, none of that is getting spent on d****

    If you do end up having alcohol or marijuana be a good friend, enjoy your time and look out for each other.

    I probably wouldn't give them any sort of explicit 'okay' on coke/ecstasy/shrooms etc. But I'd advise them on how to take care of their friends who might indulge and signs of use

  • Dec 11, 2023

    “Don’t do them. They’re whack”

  • Dec 11, 2023

    just be real and educate them about it

  • Dec 11, 2023
    1 reply

    The author reflects on the changing dynamics of discussing s***and d**** with children, questioning whether the traditional "birds and the bees" talk still occurs. Expressing a personal dilemma while under the influence of substances, the author contemplates the potential hypocrisy of advocating against d*** use despite acknowledging the transformative impact such experiences had on their perspective.

  • Dec 11, 2023
    1 reply

    The author reflects on the changing dynamics of discussing s***and d**** with children, questioning whether the traditional "birds and the bees" talk still occurs. Expressing a personal dilemma while under the influence of substances, the author contemplates the potential hypocrisy of advocating against d*** use despite acknowledging the transformative impact such experiences had on their perspective.

    There is no such thing as a thread on ktt2 where the OP attempting to have a serious / debatably heavy discussion didn’t have to deal with a doss c*** scraping something odiferously daft from the top , all the way down to the bottom of their buttcheeks , and then halfway back up again where the a*** cavity presumably begins - i mean I am not an expert on the human anatomy but that feels like a safe bet

  • Dec 11, 2023

    I dont care how progressive I am my child aint touching that s*** on the regular until theyre out of the house and have stable income. its a night under the bridge if I catch em with doing it at home more than once

  • Dec 11, 2023
    1 reply

    we're hitting that gym soon as they can hold their head straight too

  • Dec 11, 2023

    "Drugs are bad and shameful" instill this in your child

  • Dec 11, 2023

    You could explain that our brains are a delicate thing so it’s possible to create a lot of problems by doing certain ones or too much of it

    Also the fact that if you become dependent on anything (including alcohol) your life might begin to be shaped around it and you’ll be angry when you don’t have it

    They can make you a more miserable person and before you know it, you’re missing out on life instead of enjoying it while you’re lucky enough to have a chance at it.

    Then there’s also the fact that with illicit d**** and even legal-ish ones the product quality is questionable and can lead to death just based on something you don’t anticipate being in there

    Also the fact that when your brain is still developing it’s better to chill out and not do them because the younger you try s*** out/start doing d**** the more likely you’ll have a dependence/addiction going forward

    this can also throw you way off of your goals

    That being said, you can’t control them and if they’re curious and end up doing something and things get out of control, they should still be able to call you so that you can make sure they’re safe and remain alive, that should be the priority over hard punishment, even though there still should be some consequence

  • Dec 11, 2023

    Unlike with s***I have a treasure trove of experiences to share related to d****. I'd tell my kids that everything they tell you about d**** are true and that despite what your peers do d**** are to be avoided as much as possible. Not because d**** are inherently bad, but because the mentality that comes with d*** use is counter to your best interests as a kid. When you're young you need to be doing everything you can to work ahead of everyone else so that by the time you're 30 you have a very balanced and healthy lifestyle involving things that actually matter like love, career, hobbies and friends. D**** are a waste of money and time that will only make things harder for you

  • Dec 11, 2023

    It’s really like gambling because each persons brain is different and reacts different to substances, what may feel good for one person feels like s*** to another person

    There’s also some places where psychedelic experiences are beginning to be more legal and safe environments for that and weeds legal some places so there are safer options if they choose to try things out one day but they should wait as long as they can

    I’m impressed with any young person that can resist d*** culture amongst their peers and the way they’re marketed to certain images (drinking/getting high being an aesthetic/seeming cool when you’re younger)

  • Dec 11, 2023
    4 replies

    My whole strategy to parenting is to educate my kids on the virtues of Hinduism and low dopamine lifestyles. They'll probably think im batshit crazy but I want my kids to be real warriors. We gonna have lots of fun doing low dopamine activities like sports, boardgames and occasionally video games but mostly just learning calculus and physics

  • Dec 11, 2023

    My whole strategy to parenting is to educate my kids on the virtues of Hinduism and low dopamine lifestyles. They'll probably think im batshit crazy but I want my kids to be real warriors. We gonna have lots of fun doing low dopamine activities like sports, boardgames and occasionally video games but mostly just learning calculus and physics

  • Dec 11, 2023
    iWorship engels

    There is no such thing as a thread on ktt2 where the OP attempting to have a serious / debatably heavy discussion didn’t have to deal with a doss c*** scraping something odiferously daft from the top , all the way down to the bottom of their buttcheeks , and then halfway back up again where the a*** cavity presumably begins - i mean I am not an expert on the human anatomy but that feels like a safe bet

    Discussions on KTT2 often involve serious topics, but threads commonly face disruptions from users making absurd or offensive comments throughout the conversation.

  • Dec 11, 2023
    1 reply

    My whole strategy to parenting is to educate my kids on the virtues of Hinduism and low dopamine lifestyles. They'll probably think im batshit crazy but I want my kids to be real warriors. We gonna have lots of fun doing low dopamine activities like sports, boardgames and occasionally video games but mostly just learning calculus and physics

    Bro said I'll raise nerds 😂😭

  • Dec 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Bro said I'll raise nerds 😂😭

    Idk why niggas assume someone a "nerd" jus cus they're well rounded in personality and intellect, it's more to the world than TV depictions of life that make the world out to be nothing but drama and social climbing

  • Dec 11, 2023

    Yes I do smoke weed all day if u were wondering

  • Dec 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Idk why niggas assume someone a "nerd" jus cus they're well rounded in personality and intellect, it's more to the world than TV depictions of life that make the world out to be nothing but drama and social climbing

    Issa joke bruh chill

  • Dec 11, 2023

    We doing them in the crib first

  • Dec 11, 2023

    Issa joke bruh chill


  • Dec 11, 2023
    1 reply

    My whole strategy to parenting is to educate my kids on the virtues of Hinduism and low dopamine lifestyles. They'll probably think im batshit crazy but I want my kids to be real warriors. We gonna have lots of fun doing low dopamine activities like sports, boardgames and occasionally video games but mostly just learning calculus and physics

    Teach them of the destruction of the Nagas

  • Dec 11, 2023

    would just tell them harm reduction techniques, what one to avoid without testing if it's still illegal (which I doubt where I live) and like how to use things responsibly in moderation, like bad food and alcohol. Alcohol kills more people each year than every single illicit d*** death combined. Why the concern over d**** and not alcohol?

  • Dec 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Teach them of the destruction of the Nagas

    Woah dere I didn't know Hinduism got racist

  • Dec 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Woah dere I didn't know Hinduism got racist

    Every culture has their discriminatory practices, especially the ones who don't recognize the Mother's and Father's of mankind. I wish I knew more about this culture but I'll get into as I move further back into history

    I could be wrong or misinterpreting what I heard in passing buuuuuuuut I'm under the assumption that the Nagas are the melanated ones who traveled from parts of Asia, whom were the original people of the Amazon (Tutle Xi) who came from Lemuria

    Edit: My kids will know I did d****