  • Oct 26, 2022

    Yoo! Arshan here from KTO. Got an interesting interview for y’all today. I did DD Osama’s first proper sit down interview. The kid has a wilddddd story.

    Most people know him because of all the crazy stuff with his brother “Notti” passing away after getting stabbed in July… but aside from that the kid is dropping a music video that gets a million views literally every other week. Probably one of the hottest names in NYC right now, and Drake followed him the other day,

    I feel like ppl going to say he was being too quiet the whole interview and that it came off bad, but tbh I could just understand how hurt he was still by his brother’s passing. I mean the kid is only like 14.. So I felt bad but yeah it was hella hard to keep this interview going. Tried to keep it positive tho! Hope y’all enjoy.

  • Oct 26, 2022

    I hope this kid has a support system around him, what he's going through has gotta be insane