Man, ive worked so hard to perfect my craft in music, and i never thought id be able to finish a project, let alone be able to afford to make vinyls.
If yall dig the music id love the support, maybe KTT can help me get this thing sold out!!
heres a few songs from the EP
I also dropped an album this year too, im so proud of it !
How you calling niggas broke when you asking us to buy ya s***
How you calling niggas broke when you asking us to buy ya s***
tbh you lost me at this op
at least make a giveaway or some s*** like that but don't call people broke while asking to buy from you wtf
How you calling niggas broke when you asking us to buy ya s***
Bro must've forgot the value of a dollar for some people
broke boi?
Get a pr manager or at least take a pr class cuz this was horrible bro
Damn op ruined his career in an instant letting his ego take the wheel for a momentary lapse.
Another artist self destructs
We can't buy your album until you go to therapy and brutally murder the person who abused you and then forgive them after.
You'll never succeed until then
How you calling niggas broke when you asking us to buy ya s***
It was a joke lol ain’t this ktt ?
Plus I already paid for all records this ain’t crowd funding