you could either finish ur bachelors and teach overseas or instead pursue journalism or technical writing
nah from europe
its either bachelors or masters here
We have those too but associates is 2 years
Unfortunately a bachelors is where a lot of the jobs are
masters * nowadays
masters * nowadays
It depends on the job for that one, but masters will definitely be the new bachelors in the next decade
Yeah true
I actually get some offers. Mainly for s*** like that, insurance, compliance all type of s***
But nothing w what actually interests me lmao. Even journalism jobs hard af to get
Imma keep it real , u not done with school so sign up for university and get yourself a bachelors
Become an english teacher in another country
Not a long term solution with just an associates, no room for career advancement or pay increase.
Idk why this was so funny to me.
Imagine going back to high school and catching a sub scrolling GnG in class
Is there anything I can do with this immediately or will most things require a bachelor’s
You have to write a book and do multiple YouTube live streams with that 4 screen panel (mini Brady brunch title screen effect) now and say things like "I concur with your sentiment" or "My thesis on this is"
you basically have to trick people into giving you money. Just always appear to pivot every once n a while. But never actually say anything different.
You also have to wear rim glasses and pause reflectively at people you are talking to. And say closing statements like "it's a quandary indeed"