Feel No Ways
!https://youtu.be/WstYC1BH6VQ?si=zKDv6LCMNNqELBs2 you got some things that belong to me
f*** Drake
“Keep making me dance, waving my hands and it won’t be no threat.”
Even your daddy likes the melodies. Breathe
This might be the best Drake song ever
texts go green im afraid
“Keep making me dance, waving my hands and it won’t be no threat.”
Even your daddy likes the melodies. Breathe
get off both our p****es
These Days is so incredible
Lead up to Views was an incredible time
These Days is so incredible
Lead up to Views was an incredible time
one of my favourite cover and drake songs ever, immaculate music
If he would’ve kept this for From Time as the outro it could’ve been top 1 Drake man
Drake really just should go pop at this point
When he can rap like Family Matters?
Second half of drew a Picasso elite
Neatly + Liability + Hours In Silence
Holy trinity
Needed you, wanted you
To stay mine
If he would’ve kept this for From Time as the outro it could’ve been top 1 Drake man
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NHRWH0cdeJA&pp=ygUYZHJha2UgYmVsb25nIHRvIHRoZSBjaXR5I loved this but yet another example of drake lending his pen
Would’ve been one of the best drake songs ever if he dropped this himself