@fariskhl @franmandarin @mjpplus @thankmelater @PapiChumpo @keysopendoors @AJVLANEY
Thoughts on Sticky? Feels like a bit of an interlude type tune to me idk
That's too cold!! ❄️ But Texts go green, that's another level!!
Respect man!
How did you get the vocals so clean!!
Here's a little remix I made...🦉
@fariskhl @franmandarin @mjpplus @thankmelater @PapiChumpo @keysopendoors @AJVLANEY
Thoughts on Sticky? Feels like a bit of an interlude type tune to me idk
Dope, f***ing with this. Loved all these so far
Nothing but heat
@fariskhl @franmandarin @mjpplus @thankmelater @PapiChumpo @keysopendoors @AJVLANEY
Thoughts on Sticky? Feels like a bit of an interlude type tune to me idk
Fire man. always is. I always buy ur s*** on your bandcamp but I think they took you down again?
More I listen there is no way this s*** shouldnt be legit blowing up. We need to chat cause if this s*** gets right exposure / own artist going over these beats idk how this aint blowing up. This should be on mixes on the nts.live and more.
Fire man. always is. I always buy ur s*** on your bandcamp but I think they took you down again?
More I listen there is no way this s*** shouldnt be legit blowing up. We need to chat cause if this s*** gets right exposure / own artist going over these beats idk how this aint blowing up. This should be on mixes on the nts.live and more.
Appreciate you as always bro. I remember in the past I tried to push it out more and spent time trying to build the brand and monetise it and whatnot but it took the fun out of making it a little bit.
I love just doing this for fun and whatever praise or connection I make from it is an added bonus. Just having you man comment on this thread and engage with it is more than enough for me
@fariskhl @franmandarin @mjpplus @thankmelater @PapiChumpo @keysopendoors @AJVLANEY
Thoughts on Sticky? Feels like a bit of an interlude type tune to me idk
P.s. The outro helped me peak into 4th dimension
P.s. The outro helped me peak into 4th dimension
Love bro! Liability gave me some inspiration to do my own slowed and reverb s***!
Maybe A Keeper soon but I actually just cooked up a moody Fountains mix I might throw out there cos f*** it. Also playing around with a mix for the first part of Calling My Name
Appreciate you as always bro. I remember in the past I tried to push it out more and spent time trying to build the brand and monetise it and whatnot but it took the fun out of making it a little bit.
I love just doing this for fun and whatever praise or connection I make from it is an added bonus. Just having you man comment on this thread and engage with it is more than enough for me
your s*** is pure fire. Fire. already the repeats im racking up on the sticky mix is crazy,
and i hear you about the industry / exposure bs but frankly idc cause you legit got it. lot less talented guys in the industry - have you set up a YT Page with your mixes?
Texts Go Green:
Wanted to make it less dance and more R&B although the original is fire to me - this was just a bit of fun.
Thought I'd give it a bit of a moodier vibe. I also tried to fix the springs but every so often they creep in. Maybe I'll give it another go in the future. Enjoy!
BBL Love:
https://soundcloud.com/varmu/bbl-loveWick Man:
https://soundcloud.com/varmu/wick-manWith You:
https://soundcloud.com/varmu/with-youdef should do the whole album is there a link to these ?
Love bro! Liability gave me some inspiration to do my own slowed and reverb s***!
Maybe A Keeper soon but I actually just cooked up a moody Fountains mix I might throw out there cos f*** it. Also playing around with a mix for the first part of Calling My Name
Don’t think we forgot about this my G 🥹
So as I am listening to the tracks I think if you could also touch Calling My Name & Falling Back as well because the vocals on that are preem but don't fw the atmosphere that much. Also Sticky could use more of a Hip Hop beat it would go crazy, I found the Big Ton & Mike Sears remix but not f'ing with them as much. I found Down Hill's Gummy Gun remix and it sounds incredible (gives something of a Save Your Tears vibe) but if you could do some magic on Down Hill too it will become a banger and the guitar on Tie That Binds is nutsss if you could put some of your ideas on that track too
p.s. Very excited for Honestly, Nevermind Varmu's Remix Tape
Falling Back remix imminent. Just trying to get around this copyright bullshit, keeps getting claimed instantly
Falling Back Mix dropped the game is in disarray
@thankmelater @runninthruda6ix @sdrakko @RE1GN @thewb39 @proper @smokingrules @jimmyk @just_MG @siccs @club_paradise @fariskhl @Shantell_OvO
I lied when I said the last tag was the last tag, this tag is the last tag
Falling Back Mix dropped the game is in disarray
@thankmelater @runninthruda6ix @sdrakko @RE1GN @thewb39 @proper @smokingrules @jimmyk @just_MG @siccs @club_paradise @fariskhl @Shantell_OvO
I lied when I said the last tag was the last tag, this tag is the last tag
Why would u stop tagging us
Could be annoying idk
Only if they were not goated
@mjpplus when's the next radio show bro? I been working on a set
Haven’t thought about it in a bit tbh
Might be able to pull one off for the More Life anniversary tho
Haven’t thought about it in a bit tbh
Might be able to pull one off for the More Life anniversary tho