So I got court today and my PO asked me to come in after I’m done. Which they never do, I been smoking loud pack since the summer bruh. This gon be my first violation but I’m nervous af, I already spent time in jail last year over d*** charges and intent to sell.
I might just go eat some Popeyes before court and enjoy my potential last good meal for a while.
My bad but niggas had to vent somewhere
Update: Bruh I fr got lucky af. So my court didn’t let out til 4:30 and probation closes at 5. I went to go report and they made me wait hella long. And my PO said that there were no officers available to watch me pee so I got let go without testing and it still counted as me reporting. Im so Mf thankful bruh I was nervous af. They do want me to come back monthly tho.
I did the whole Certo s*** and drank a s*** ton of water. Thank y’all fr for the good thoughts I f*** with y’all fr ❤️
what are you ordering from Popeyes
Thank you fam. The unknown is killing me
Its bullshit that smoking weed is a violation of probabtion in the first place so I'm rooting for you
what are you ordering from Popeyes
Idk yet, might get the sandwich meal. Or a spicy Two piece meal
Tell her that you're not feeling well and you need to go get tested for covid. That may give you some time. Usually if you have had successful test in the past she might let you live for another month or whenever you see her.
Idk yet, might get the sandwich meal. Or a spicy Two piece meal
both good choices 🤝
manifesting op’s freedom
Fr pull the covid test card the go cop one of those flushing drinks and pray to the good lord then s***s actually works cause I’ve heard mixed results on them s***s
Fr pull the covid test card the go cop one of those flushing drinks and pray to the good lord then s***s actually works cause I’ve heard mixed results on them s***s
Try this fr
Another way that might be a little crazier and expensive. Call 911 and say that you feel like you're about to hurt yourself. Once you get to the hospital, just tell the doctors that with everything going on in the world you felt stressed out and didn't know what to do. You will have to do a week in the psyche ward but after that they will mark it down as stress and see if you can get a medical script for weed