I have such a nostalgic obsession with the late 90s and early 2000s. I so badly want to unwrap and use a brand new Gameboy Advance SP, like you actually wouldn't believe how often I think about doing it. But deep down I know it won't bring me the joy and happiness I'm telling myself that it will. Sometimes my girlfriend and I will go on walks or drives and we'll pass an abandoned building, and I'll jokingly say to her, "I wonder if there's a Gameboy Advance in there." I love to watch clips on YouTube of people shopping for video games at Target or Walmart in the late 90s and early 2000s. I like to imagine myself being there. I also look up photos of what our mall and other local businesses/areas looked like in those years. I would love to explore buildings that have been untouched since that time. Even better if I can find a Gameboy Advance SP in there (I had the one that's orange on top and green on the bottom).
It’s called the “Y2K” era
Feels like any year after 04/05 aren't even worth the recognition.
Yet you’re still here
Nah nothing beats what the internet today provides, only thing I miss is 9/11 just cause I want to see how social media would react to that event if it happened today
Mannnn they had the deals boy
God bless those mothers, used to turn their entire living room into a candy store lmao s*** was nuts looking back
Now that I think about it they highkey might've groomed 40% of the hood population into becoming some type of plug
2020 to 2022 were woat years, diseases, trends, everything sucked.
Feels like its getting better tho, the future looks bright.
Well be talking about consoles pcs and phones and laptops like this when all we use is apple vision and its competitors 10 years from now.
I feel seriously nostalgic for the early 00s-10s. I feel like technology, social media and capitalism has f***ed society up completely. Like there was a point where better decisions could have been made for the benefit of humanity as a whole and we're stuck in a dystopian hellhole instead I miss gathering in front of the TV at night with my family and watching George Lopez, Survivor or whatever was on. Sucks that those times are just gone forever, kids will never have that again
That apple vision contact lens in 15 years will prob change the world
still love the OG design of the DS. Looks really slick. Does anyone know why they redesigned it?
nintendo ds times staying up late with my best friends playing mario kart and pokemon are such sweet memories
Deeply, viscerally real
Biking to the baseball card store with the neighborhood kids so we could all buy some packs of Pokémon cards and trade, then getting a soft serve at DQ or snacks at White Hen, then biking back to the park by our house and hanging out til the sun went down
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened
I remember the Saturday morning my mom took me to her liberty city stories from GameStop then went to Walmart after one of the most nostalgic days of my life
Love those times but for me personally, 2011-2015. Life was 100% perfect for me then.