Paint 3D
Use the magic crop tool w/freeform selection.
Trace the parts you want to be transparent
Do u de the photoshop color isolate
That doesn’t make clean enough png’s imo
I would just take a picture of it and save as PNG. Unless you mean to like turn what you did into a seperate digital piece of art by tracing it and copying it.
In which case in photoshop you can isolate certain colours and values to select and lasso. So for this anything thats black is highlighted, then you duplicate the lassoed layer and fill in with black, save as png.
If thats not clean enough for you, there isn’t really another way to do it other than redrawing it, which would be very quick to do.
You could after isolating, zoom right in and go through with w tiny eraser and clean it up, but that would be more effort than redrawing it imo
You could trace over your work in illustrator if you dont have a tablet and arent confident in drawing digitally and turn it into a vector
To make a clean digital version you need to do it in Illustrator. Make sure you save it as a vector file and keep that, its an infinitley scaleable maths equation so it wont lose quality no matter the size.
If you just save it as a .png and resize it in the future you will lose quality and the edges become jagged
You don’t need adobe products, you can pretty much use gimp.
But you can honestly draw it over again
Do u de the photoshop color isolate
That doesn’t make clean enough png’s imo
Are these scanned?
Get these scanned and it's easier to rip them out with photoshop. Otherwise retrace with illustrator.
@op threshold it
bump for good poster @op
Crank the contrast, tweak the brightness, cut out any junk, and you got a perfect b&w scan basically, its nice and gritty that way, but you can trace it in illustrator like other people said too