I prayed for all the people who did me wrong these past months and it's really helped me mentally just praying about the situation and the person themselves that they're doing good.
Never bothered to be mad at somebody for too long if they wronged me. Usually the people know that they messed up and they have to live with it. Taking revenge in some form would only give them the mercy of now feeling like we are on euqal footing again.
But then I guess I have never really been wronged in a n extreme way.
dear diary
Everybody's different
There is no "right" way when you have no morals
The sinner s03 type beat
Dear Lord,
Please, forgive us for all the sins we have brought upon us. Look down upon us with forgiveness for all the sins we will have in the future. I know you understand that brothers ain’t perfect, but we try Lord. We try to keep our heads up in bad times; this is bad times. Show us the way, and if you can’t show us the way, then forgive us for being lost.