  • Mar 28, 2020

    I haven’t played a single video game in the last 8 years. Trash like Call of Duty and GTA (and of course these s***ty sports games, but that’s obvious) ruined the entire industry in my eyes, which influenced my departure almost a decade ago.

    Just picked up a PS4 in anticipation to play what will be the greatest game of this decade (FFVII Remake) and notice that there are some gems over the years that I have missed, and I wouldn’t mind exploring while I wait.

    One name that keeps coming up is RDR2. Now, given my background and taste, if I dislike what everyone thinks is so “cool” about GTA and anything Rockstar, would I also dislike this game? Or is this different? Is it overrated? Or is this actually one of the greatest games of all time, as it is commonly hailed?

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    The name alone is probably one of the worst titles to a game I’ve ever heard.

    Willing to be swayed though.

  • Mario ?

  • Mar 28, 2020
    2 replies

    OP with the horrible bait

    Please do not engage

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Mark objective on map
    Put horse on cruise control for 20mins
    Be interrupted by a side quest. Might give something worthwhile so u stop, and take a 20min detour on ur horse.
    Insert 1min gunfight.
    Ride back to side quest location for 20mins.
    Finish quest, get nothing of value.
    Continue cruise controlling ur horse to ur original mission marker for another 20mins.
    Launch mission and watch 5min cutscene.
    Cruise control horse for 15mins to new destination.
    Kill 4 guys in 2mins.
    Ride horse back to mission marker for 15mins.

    There goes 2 hours and 1 mission accomplished.

    Rinse and repeat for 100 hours.

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply
    d stoner

    Mark objective on map
    Put horse on cruise control for 20mins
    Be interrupted by a side quest. Might give something worthwhile so u stop, and take a 20min detour on ur horse.
    Insert 1min gunfight.
    Ride back to side quest location for 20mins.
    Finish quest, get nothing of value.
    Continue cruise controlling ur horse to ur original mission marker for another 20mins.
    Launch mission and watch 5min cutscene.
    Cruise control horse for 15mins to new destination.
    Kill 4 guys in 2mins.
    Ride horse back to mission marker for 15mins.

    There goes 2 hours and 1 mission accomplished.

    Rinse and repeat for 100 hours.

    Jesus that sounds like a terrible time.

    Why is this game praised so much?

  • Mar 28, 2020

    OP theres a shadow of the colossus remake, also The Last Guardian if you liked Shadow.

    Uncharted 4 was amazing, i also recently played 1-3 remastered for ps4

    I loved Wd2, but i dont think based on the OP that you will like that game. Still, i think its the best open world sandbox game on ps4. I like GTA, but also think its overrated to some extent. Wd2 gives you way more ways to interact with the environment whereas the Rockstar games are way more scriped

    Also play Rayman Legends, its the best sidescroller platformer ive ever played and has couch co op unlike most console games nowadays

  • Mar 28, 2020

    Jesus that sounds like a terrible time.

    Why is this game praised so much?

    It IS impressive in a technical sense. Graphics are nice, level of detail is ridiculous. Story is well written too.

    But yeah its a massive time sink and the controls suck. I put like 15 hours into it and havent touched it since. It isnt a fun game. Its a cowboy simulator.

    Not a fan of uncharted either, but ill cosign flyhiii and say uncharted 4 is much better game than rdr2.

  • Mar 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Rdr 2 the most disappointing piece of s*** ever, ask anyone who actually played the og. Not even a videogame imo

  • Mar 29, 2020
    1 reply

    The name alone is probably one of the worst titles to a game I’ve ever heard.

    Willing to be swayed though.

    Your too edgy and insecure you don’t deserve to play RDR2 or any classic u missed cause of ur edginess

  • Mar 29, 2020

    I haven’t played a single video game in the last 8 years. Trash like Call of Duty and GTA (and of course these s***ty sports games, but that’s obvious) ruined the entire industry in my eyes, which influenced my departure almost a decade ago.

    Just picked up a PS4 in anticipation to play what will be the greatest game of this decade (FFVII Remake) and notice that there are some gems over the years that I have missed, and I wouldn’t mind exploring while I wait.

    One name that keeps coming up is RDR2. Now, given my background and taste, if I dislike what everyone thinks is so “cool” about GTA and anything Rockstar, would I also dislike this game? Or is this different? Is it overrated? Or is this actually one of the greatest games of all time, as it is commonly hailed?

    Well, first off & I swear I mean this with the upmost respect but you gotta stop being some elitist hoe about video games.

    Nothing wrong with GTA, COD or sports games lol wtf you mad at people for liking the games or the developers making the games? Either way s*** isn’t enough to be talking the way you are. You’re the only one playing games to be different.

    Pick up RD2. Pick up several games in fact because for 8 years you played yourself. So worrying about whatever everybody else is doing or think is “cool”. Go read up on it, watch some vids on youtube & make your own decision on if you wanna spend the money on it. Coming here & asking us will only end up with you doing whatever we tell you to do. Which is what you claim you don’t do. Right?

  • Mar 29, 2020

    Your too edgy and insecure you don’t deserve to play RDR2 or any classic u missed cause of ur edginess

    People have to stop treating games like this.

    I cannot remember EVER having some of the conversations we have about games as we mature as a kid. Growing up with friends/family it was about the games. Thats it.

    Now everybody wanna act like everybody makes s***ty games & they only playing picasso & act like they know what any of these hardware specs really mean

    Thank God I never lost sight that its just games for fun lol

  • Mar 30, 2020
    2 replies

    I haven’t played a single video game in the last 8 years. Trash like Call of Duty and GTA (and of course these s***ty sports games, but that’s obvious) ruined the entire industry in my eyes, which influenced my departure almost a decade ago.

    Just picked up a PS4 in anticipation to play what will be the greatest game of this decade (FFVII Remake) and notice that there are some gems over the years that I have missed, and I wouldn’t mind exploring while I wait.

    One name that keeps coming up is RDR2. Now, given my background and taste, if I dislike what everyone thinks is so “cool” about GTA and anything Rockstar, would I also dislike this game? Or is this different? Is it overrated? Or is this actually one of the greatest games of all time, as it is commonly hailed?

    You probably won't like RDR2, I only played like the first couple hours and dropped it. Its heavy on story so if you are looking for one you might like it but it doesn't have much going for it gameplay wise which is what put me off.

    Try to take a look at Sekiro, Nier Automata, Bloodborne, Yakuza 0 and also Persona 5 if you like JRPGs.

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    You probably won't like RDR2, I only played like the first couple hours and dropped it. Its heavy on story so if you are looking for one you might like it but it doesn't have much going for it gameplay wise which is what put me off.

    Try to take a look at Sekiro, Nier Automata, Bloodborne, Yakuza 0 and also Persona 5 if you like JRPGs.

    Persona 5

    The first tower is long as hell :​

  • What a pretentious twat

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Persona 5

    The first tower is long as hell :​

    I don't think so? I think the only Palace that was kinda frustrating and just made me wanna just rush to finish it was the space station s***. One of the best games last gen tho

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    OP with the horrible bait

    Please do not engage

    Dude is the most pretentious f*** on this site

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Dude is the most pretentious f*** on this site

    Lol kid you follow me into every thread so something’s working now isn’t it.

    You will continue to follow my lead.

  • Mar 30, 2020

    You probably won't like RDR2, I only played like the first couple hours and dropped it. Its heavy on story so if you are looking for one you might like it but it doesn't have much going for it gameplay wise which is what put me off.

    Try to take a look at Sekiro, Nier Automata, Bloodborne, Yakuza 0 and also Persona 5 if you like JRPGs.

    Thanks for the input, brother. I’ll make sure to check those out!

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Lol kid you follow me into every thread so something’s working now isn’t it.

    You will continue to follow my lead.

    You assuming that I follow you into your threads when in actuality I’m just browsing the site is peak pretentiousness

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    You assuming that I follow you into your threads when in actuality I’m just browsing the site is peak pretentiousness

    That’ll be enough, kid.

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    That’ll be enough, kid.

    You sound like a wannabe narcissistic psychopath bro please stop it’s embarrassing to read

  • Mar 30, 2020
    1 reply

    You sound like a wannabe narcissistic psychopath bro please stop it’s embarrassing to read


  • Mar 30, 2020


    Thank you

  • Mar 30, 2020

    I don't think so? I think the only Palace that was kinda frustrating and just made me wanna just rush to finish it was the space station s***. One of the best games last gen tho

    It’s just a choir for me breh