  • Sep 2, 2021

    Yo this is my first attempt at talking about this s*** man

    Bad environments, immigrant background, stress in the home, parents divorced, parents both got issues but never seek help, siblings struggle too but we never talk about mental health until recently

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    @FlyHiii @thankmelater maybe you guys can join dont feel obliged to

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    @FlyHiii @thankmelater maybe you guys can join dont feel obliged to

    Im at work rn, will elaborate in a bit but i can put you on to a place in your location that helped me like i said in previous post

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Also can relate to the parent thing

    I dont have a healthy relationship with mine

    Father left me early on

    Mother kept kicking me out

    Was roaming the brazy streets of Apd

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Im at work rn, will elaborate in a bit but i can put you on to a place in your location that helped me like i said in previous post

    I just saw they had a low rating on Google

  • Sep 2, 2021

    Also can relate to the parent thing

    I dont have a healthy relationship with mine

    Father left me early on

    Mother kept kicking me out

    Was roaming the brazy streets of Apd


  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    I just saw they had a low rating on Google

    Yes because they have countless locations

    Ive tried multiple (and thats only apd, they are everywhere in NL) and only the recent one helped (also partly thanks to myself)

    No pressure or anything but if you ever come to the point of wanting to go there i could even give you my whatsapp if u have a s***load of questions fam its no biggie

  • Sep 2, 2021

    Las net je reactie opnieuw in Drake thread over walterbosch @FlyHiii , had mn reactie daar geplaatst maar ik drop hem toch liever hier:

    Jooo Walterbosch boys!

    Ik werkte echt vet lang in de Kantine met Jet (zo heette ze toch?). Broodjes klussen voor de hele skorro haha! Daar kennen veel mensen me van. En ik was junior mentor voor een brugklas toen ik in de vijfde zat, maar denk dat jij toen nog niet op de school zat. Het is echt helemaal vernieuwd die kantine nadat ik weg ging. Super groen! 😵‍💫 Ze waren al begonnen met verbouwen toen we examens hadden.

    Bro ik heb precies hetzelfde gehad als jij, mindset was verder dan mijn leeftijd en hoge hoge ambities. Maar op deze leeftijd struggle ik zo hard met basic dingen omdat ik de basis nooit goed gelegd/geleerd heb. Dus voel je niet bezwaard als je niet bent waar je wilt zijn, dat komt wel als je aan je zelf werkt.

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Yes because they have countless locations

    Ive tried multiple (and thats only apd, they are everywhere in NL) and only the recent one helped (also partly thanks to myself)

    No pressure or anything but if you ever come to the point of wanting to go there i could even give you my whatsapp if u have a s***load of questions fam its no biggie

    Thats dope i will have to remember this (which im bad at lol).

    What made this one so much better??? Partly because of yourself you said?

    And what was bad about the others? Was it just bad luck/timing or the wrong people? Do they change the staff or are they all there longterm?

    Maybe i should whatsapp u, if these are too many questions

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Thats dope i will have to remember this (which im bad at lol).

    What made this one so much better??? Partly because of yourself you said?

    And what was bad about the others? Was it just bad luck/timing or the wrong people? Do they change the staff or are they all there longterm?

    Maybe i should whatsapp u, if these are too many questions

    Yeah im totally ok with giving out my whatsapp

    Lmk if you want to and i’ll pm u

    You know how to peep pms on this ktt right? Idk how long you have been a user

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah im totally ok with giving out my whatsapp

    Lmk if you want to and i’ll pm u

    You know how to peep pms on this ktt right? Idk how long you have been a user

    Ok send it to me. Yea i know. Ive been here a few months actively.

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Ok send it to me. Yea i know. Ive been here a few months actively.

    Dam ive been on here for at least 7 was on here everyday during boring ass classes on WB

    Btw u ever had wiskunde from Rens Zwaan??? Crine

    Also gonna pm you now hold up

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Dam ive been on here for at least 7 was on here everyday during boring ass classes on WB

    Btw u ever had wiskunde from Rens Zwaan??? Crine

    Also gonna pm you now hold up

    Oh u mean ktt1. Ive been on that since 2015 fr.

    Lmao i feel u. Nah i had Mr. Hof for wiskunde, never heard of that name Rens Zwaan

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Oh u mean ktt1. Ive been on that since 2015 fr.

    Lmao i feel u. Nah i had Mr. Hof for wiskunde, never heard of that name Rens Zwaan

    i know mr Hof

    We most defenitly have had some of the same teachers

    Also WB was trash imo, lots of kakkers, felt like an outcast in some ways there

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    i know mr Hof

    We most defenitly have had some of the same teachers

    Also WB was trash imo, lots of kakkers, felt like an outcast in some ways there


    I was a funny but loud Turkish dude that didnt quite fit in and got in trouble with teachers because of that

    Especially mr Hof. He hated my ass after the fifth year and always sent me out the class. he even laughed when i told him i didnt do well on an exam and said i shouldve paid better attention or smth

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply


    I was a funny but loud Turkish dude that didnt quite fit in and got in trouble with teachers because of that

    Especially mr Hof. He hated my ass after the fifth year and always sent me out the class. he even laughed when i told him i didnt do well on an exam and said i shouldve paid better attention or smth

    Cant imagine being allochtoon on walterbosch

    That school is too white

    Partly why i hated it there

  • Sep 2, 2021

    Cant imagine being allochtoon on walterbosch

    That school is too white

    Partly why i hated it there

    Bro it WAS impossible

    I had to “act white” to survive that school…

    I hated it too for that reason, no drip no sauce no anything lmao

  • Sep 2, 2021
    1 reply

    love you OP. you on your journey and you’ll get past this stronger than ever let’s GO

  • Sep 2, 2021
    rnb sponge

    love you OP. you on your journey and you’ll get past this stronger than ever let’s GO

    you’re so kind fr