@Hndrxx_Free @YungPapi @cowboy im afraid to make this A.L.L.A.H album
its giving Makaveli vibes and not the good vibes...
@Hndrxx_Free @YungPapi @cowboy the catalyst event
im really glad you guys enjoyed the first draft that means a lot to me
now i have a clearer vision for the final product, i cant wait to deliver and i wont let me or any of you guys down
@Hndrxx_Free @YungPapi @cowboy the catalyst event
The prologue
A.L.L.A.H. going down with I am...nostrodaus og and detox fr
@Hndrxx_Free look how i got Wes and Kdoggy
@Hndrxx_Free look how i got Wes and Kdoggy
Kdoggy loves black singers and weasly is autistic
U just shaked their world
Kdoggy loves black singers and weasly is autistic
U just shaked their world
lyt pack
i might have to
leave the block
i aint f***in with it no more...
come to the new thread