Remember when this dropped?
The hype for the full version was crazy at the time. The eerie feeling it had felt unique for an otherwise generic rapper. I knew ppl that dont pay attention to forums or anything telling me they were anticipating this.
And then audio terrorist Mike Dean hits the second tower:
What a f***ing mess. It sounds like a Future impersonator getting his nuts yanked over 5 s***ty beats put in a blender
Unsurprisingly no one remembers this trash 7 years later.
I bring it up bc everyone loves to reminisce over mainstream rap in this era but I think the amount of overly complex/"epic" production with lots of flourishes/beat switches etc. that lots of ppl had around then does NOT age well at all imo. Do you guys agree?
Remember when this dropped?
! hype for the full version was crazy at the time. The eerie feeling it had felt unique for an otherwise generic rapper. I knew ppl that dont pay attention to forums or anything telling me they were anticipating this.
And then audio terrorist Mike Dean hits the second tower:
! a f***ing mess. It sounds like a Future impersonator getting his nuts yanked over 5 s***ty beats put in a blender
Unsurprisingly no one remembers this trash 7 years later.
I bring it up bc everyone loves to reminisce over mainstream rap in this era but I think the amount of overly complex/"epic" production with lots of flourishes/beat switches etc. that lots of ppl had around then does NOT age well at all imo. Do you guys agree?
one of the most talked about eras of rap wtf do u mean, also Timmy Turner was a hit even if Mike dean ruined the sound of the song
good song
one of the most talked about eras of rap wtf do u mean, also Timmy Turner was a hit even if Mike dean ruined the sound of the song
I said ASPECT not the whole era itself dummy. Also idc if it was a hit this song sucks ass
I said ASPECT not the whole era itself dummy. Also idc if it was a hit this song sucks ass
one of my favorite songs of this 2015-2018 SoundCloud era ur trippin I vividly remember being in school and people getting hyped that this song dropped
I said ASPECT not the whole era itself dummy. Also idc if it was a hit this song sucks ass
wtf do u mean by aspect lmao
fam said UNDER discussed
It means that the topic doesn’t get enough discussion
This is the worst example of production from back then
I do think overproduced trap kinda jumped the shark around that time but this was just a bad song then and now
It was always gonna be awkward no matter what the song was because the acapella is what blew up lol
They shoulda kept the beat basic as s*** cuz it was already a hit just off his vocals
this wasn't "mainstream rap" lmao, it was just a flat out failure.
"epic" rap I agree is stupid tho, it became an easy reference for trap producers to abandon detail/critical song structure + composition, when in reality this is one of the best songs with trap elements of all time
wtf do u mean by aspect lmao
are you asking me to define the word aspect for you rn?
"Timmy Timmy Timmy Timmy too turnt up" this was also the era where they thought they could get away with kanye just saying whatever, and then he whined that not having LA Reid in his corner was preventing him from charting
wtf do u mean by aspect lmao
nigga said "this aspect of 2015/16" to talk about desiigner and timmy turner
This is the worst example of production from back then
I do think overproduced trap kinda jumped the shark around that time but this was just a bad song then and now
It was always gonna be awkward no matter what the song was because the acapella is what blew up lol
They shoulda kept the beat basic as s*** cuz it was already a hit just off his vocals
i picked the worst example just to make the point easier to see, i'm trying to talk about the larger trend at the time.
agreed though it wouldve been such an easy layup to make a cool lil song with a minimalist beat that ppl would have remembered.
tbh I haven't even listened to this since it dropped the modal change at the end was a missed opportunity
nigga said "this aspect of 2015/16" to talk about desiigner and timmy turner
its an example of a larger trend numbnuts
not a quality thread bro
good point lets just talk about if drake or kendrick is better for another 10 years