Film sxn huh
Was you eating the burger while at least watching a movie?
OP is Brad Pitt.
I aint gon lie thats the most appetizing looking thing I've ever seen from Arbys but since its Arbys Ion trust it
New film “I tried the New Arby’s “Wagyu” Steakhouse Cheeseburger” starring Meatloaf OTW
It's also worth noting that they advertise this as being prepared "medium well" so it's still pink in the middle.
Didn't know fast food chains were allowed to do that.
It's also worth noting that they advertise this as being prepared "medium well" so it's still pink in the middle.
Didn't know fast food chains were allowed to do that.
Nah they selling food poisoning can’t trust a fast food restaurant to do some s*** like that
Nah they selling food poisoning can’t trust a fast food restaurant to do some s*** like that
I took a risk. Was farting the rest of that afternoon, but I initially chalked it up to me chasing it down with a milkshake.
Nothing a little cardio won't fix.
Take the context away and This looks like a good burger
Arby hate is programmed into you bots
That said, arbys is 80% trash