my maine coon is my best friend
to add some basic tips:
if it's an indoor only cat make sure they have a ledge to sit on to look out a window
feed a wet food diet. dry food might be convenient for you, but not good for cats. if you need help on brands lmk
try to play with them for at least a few minutes a day
clean their litterbox daily
The neighbors moved and left one of their cats behind. A******s
I talked my parents into just taking care of it and letting it stay with us. We already were feeding it anyway so it didnt starve, and winter was a few months away anyway. I was worried about it staying warm
Hes a grouch at times, but hes affectionate when he wants to be and takes care of himself. Highly recommended
I have a lot of cats mine aren't like that. I have one cat that's like that but I suspect she just likes the attention, she tries to play too I think. I have a cat that's skittish, the alpha here is a female I'm p sure that b**** don't like no one like that, she's always doing her own thing they all kinda just do there own thing.
Are they all younger? My cat was the same way until basically this year. My other cat is very skittish and kinda grumpy but she's like 3 years old
What's the deal with declawing?
Cats scratch to relieve stress, if they don't have claws they have that taken away from them
Plus imagine your parents decide to just take off your fingers at birth
@boruto_dad tell the ppl bout our baby
If kitten consider getting two. Seeing them play around a lot I think a companion is really important during the early upbringing. Mother cats give birth to a whole pack after all
i wld say watch some jackson galaxy videos and read abt cat body language
cats rly like having the same routine every day (i feed at 9am, 3pm, 9pm) and its super important to play w ur cat so they dont hav super excessive energy that has no where to go and then theyre just running arnd meowinf at 4am
also it alleviates their boredom n stuff
get beds n stuff in socially important areas u spend time in so they can scent them n be comfy in the territory
trim their claws if u dont want them to f*** up ur furniture
but dont declaw (its super traumatic)
and put douvle sided tape on stuff if notice them scratching n u dont wsnt them to
and then get a scratcher or something there they can scratch
but mostly look into body language and how to pet n stuff, cats can get mistaken for mean when theyre just scared or not getting pet right
they rly have super individual personalities, so not all are big cuddlers
i recommend against letting ur cat outside as that rly is an accident waiting to happen
finally, i highly recommend getting them fixed if they arent—it just makes them more calm and relaxed
I really want a cat too, they're very cute and (against popular opinion) can be super affectionate. just as much as dogs.
if you thinking about girls when you getting a pet you gotta worry about a different kind of p****
lol no i am just saying it helps alot but nice touch
Best decision we ever made was getting Ramses as a kitten a year ago. He is a great companion and really fun. Really shows you how to be patient too.
What breed is he?
cats are cool, mine is pretty smart and knew how to use the litter box since day 1. He loves food and will shake your hand, high five you or stand tall for some treats. He's currently 10 months
Are they all younger? My cat was the same way until basically this year. My other cat is very skittish and kinda grumpy but she's like 3 years old
No. My skittish cat and his sister are both young tho, she's the playful one. There like polar opposites. The skittish one is a runt he's always been small and easily scared.
cats are cool, mine is pretty smart and knew how to use the litter box since day 1. He loves food and will shake your hand, high five you or stand tall for some treats. He's currently 10 months
That's a beautiful cat man
@Guyontheweeds come here take a seat , whats your plan with the young girl
I don’t even care about he age, next time I’m not going to brag about the age difference ..... “she barley legal doing things that are barely legal” big Sean” .... anyways she even looks like she could be my age, .... maybe have her put me on to some new f***ing music ???.... what you talking about young girl ? she’s 18, jay z has a some called young girl with Pharrell ...there’s another couple girls that o work with that I would smash one girl is older than me and has kids and is married so when she was flirting with me, I didn’t think I had a chance anyways because she’s married, .. could be divorced tho. I’m that case, I’d smash ... and she sells me good weed so she’s already making me happy
Anyone can get a cat they're extremely low maintenance and easy to take care of
I'd say to at least look around the shelters near you to see before you start contacting breaders. Too many cats sitting in shelters for no reason
get a bunny
I actually caught a wild one once and tried to keep it.
Them mfs agile as f***
Cats are easygoing. Theyre not a lot of work like other pets.
Also they can be very lovely and cuddling all the time. They can be moody tho. And it all depends on the character of the cat but some can be agressive (still predators ofc)
I would go for a grown cat. Theyre easier to handle. Kittens look cute af but will damage your whole room (climbing in curtains, chairs etc)