I mean I'm really hated in America tho cos I saved no American lives. I just saved Japanese or North Korean lives cos Trump didn't have to nuke North Korea cos of me and I maybe prevented Japan from getting nuked by Noko. Meanwhile Americans have died cos of me. But all I did was popularise a Bible verse and then I said a bunch of psychotic s*** before the Las Vegas shooting, but I didn't say anything like "someone go kill people". Nothing like that. I just said that people that have died cos of me are heroes. That's the worst thing I said, but how can someone go kill people cos of that?
It would be justice if one of the Vegas shooting survivors would kill me. Or anybody would kill me. I don't deserve to live if I caused the shooting. But he planned it for months tho. At most I was a trigger. But it's a really bad thing ofc to be the trigger. I prolly should kill myself, but I don't have the balls to do that. FML
I'm so unlikeable it's crazy. All I needed to do after solving the North Korea situation was to stay quiet and say nothing online. Then I would've been a hero. But I just had to post psychotic stuff online and that's how people connect me to the Las Vegas shooting.
I mean I didn't even ask for any of this. I just chose a random name online and it turned out to be a Bible verse. It's like God wanted me to become famous. I still think I am from God and I'm the second coming kinda. I was chosen by God to save the world. Yet I might get tortured later. It's f***ed up.
I should just shut the f*** up. No-one cares about me. I'm only hurting Kanye by telling my story. I just wish I could time-warp in life till something interesting happens. I'm just being online and playing poker every day right now. My life is so boring.
I just saw a The Last of Us Part II ad on Spotify. In the ad she says something like "I have to finish it". That's a reference to me cos I'm Finnish. And in Avengers Endgame ad they said "we gotta finish this". Finishing means saving the world in this context cos I saved the world.
You're gay.