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  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply
    red eagle

    yeah i did

    i should make one about the harm of misinformation too after reading this thread

    this s*** aint healthy and promoting it here means that the other side will also feel legitimized in promoting it there

    "i should make one about the harm of misinformation"

    -makes a thread based off twitter threads.

    the way your mind works is interesting as hell my g.

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    You're saying this as if a standoff is a peaceful and rational as you on your phone right here right now.

    It was pure training, MATTER OF FACT.

    THE OTHER OFFICERS SHOT HIM, they didn't have a clear sight on him.
    All they knew was "Gun shot from guy" the guy in the bodycam didn't fire a single shot.

    Yeah, 35 shots point blank from outside of his window is pure training, lmfao.

    Go team!

    What misinformation are you even "clearing up" with this.

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply
    red eagle

    yeah i did

    i should make one about the harm of misinformation too after reading this thread

    this s*** aint healthy and promoting it here means that the other side will also feel legitimized in promoting it there

    How do you make that thread complaining about the various ways Black women on Twitter label us

    When there is clear evidence to show that police are intimidated by Black men and stereotype us way more.

    Literally no reason to defend police I don’t even care if it’s misinformation, this whole year should have showed you how corrupt they are and they lie and lie and lie. Crazy how so many police chiefs came out to make lowkey racist comments.

    Police are not our friends and they only way we can get rid of this stuff is if we get rid of the racists who control it and stop funding them like a military.

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Piano Mane

    "i should make one about the harm of misinformation"

    -makes a thread based off twitter threads.

    the way your mind works is interesting as hell my g.

    bro ur so dishonest it's crazy lol

    that thread was based on excerpts of the works of tommy curry, a professor of philosophy and africana studies at edinburgh university

  • Nov 27, 2020

    mods on here been garbage what else is new

  • Nov 27, 2020

    You are always going to be muted for going against the grain on this site, conform or shut up is the rule

    This is facts lol

  • Nov 27, 2020
    2 replies

    You are always going to be muted for going against the grain on this site, conform or shut up is the rule

    This nigga said he would’ve voted for Trump 💀

  • Nov 27, 2020

    This nigga said he would’ve voted for Trump 💀

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    This nigga said he would’ve voted for Trump 💀

    He’s a coon who doesn’t actually have any black friends. Kinda pathetic and sad when you think about it

  • Nov 27, 2020
    red eagle

    bro ur so dishonest it's crazy lol

    that thread was based on excerpts of the works of tommy curry, a professor of philosophy and africana studies at edinburgh university

    Weren’t you banned nigga? F*** off

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    dude jumped on KTT2 on Thanksgiving to f***ing defend cops lmfaoooooooooooooooo. Go eat some turkey you f***ing lame.

  • Nov 27, 2020
    2 replies

    How do you make that thread complaining about the various ways Black women on Twitter label us

    When there is clear evidence to show that police are intimidated by Black men and stereotype us way more.

    Literally no reason to defend police I don’t even care if it’s misinformation, this whole year should have showed you how corrupt they are and they lie and lie and lie. Crazy how so many police chiefs came out to make lowkey racist comments.

    Police are not our friends and they only way we can get rid of this stuff is if we get rid of the racists who control it and stop funding them like a military.

    "I don’t even care if it’s misinformation"

    That's the problem here nigga, an environment where misinformation is accepted is really harmful to minorities dumbass

    the moral argument and truth is on black people's side, if you throw that away s*** becomes different

  • Nov 27, 2020

    dude jumped on KTT2 on Thanksgiving to f***ing defend cops lmfaoooooooooooooooo. Go eat some turkey you f***ing lame.

  • Nov 27, 2020
    red eagle

    "I don’t even care if it’s misinformation"

    That's the problem here nigga, an environment where misinformation is accepted is really harmful to minorities dumbass

    the moral argument and truth is on black people's side, if you throw that away s*** becomes different

    But the thing is, it’s not even accepted.

    When it comes out it wasn’t completely the police’ fault it’s always shown that it was still handled badly which is what everyone still hates.

    They hate the way police treat non white people especially black men with mentally illness.

  • Nov 27, 2020

    He’s a coon who doesn’t actually have any black friends. Kinda pathetic and sad when you think about it

    Even when I lived in a damn near all white area I had black friends, you gotta question niggas who ain’t got any black friends

  • Nov 27, 2020
    3 replies

    Yeah, 35 shots point blank from outside of his window is pure training, lmfao.

    Go team!

    What misinformation are you even "clearing up" with this.

    That's cops shot him for nothing
    Others stated the gun didn't belong to him, yet it was clearly in his possession

    People said cops didn't attempt to descalate

    Also if you watch the video, THE BODY CAMERA COP DID NOT SHOOT. He just saw someone shoot themselves in the head, he will have to relieve that moment forever.

    HOWEVER, the officer's who DID NOT have a clear sight on him did shoot him, they had no idea he shot himself, they merely reacted out of self preservation.

    If you hear gunshot from car and you don't have a clear sight on the guy, you shoot back you don't question it.

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    That's cops shot him for nothing
    Others stated the gun didn't belong to him, yet it was clearly in his possession

    People said cops didn't attempt to descalate

    Also if you watch the video, THE BODY CAMERA COP DID NOT SHOOT. He just saw someone shoot themselves in the head, he will have to relieve that moment forever.

    HOWEVER, the officer's who DID NOT have a clear sight on him did shoot him, they had no idea he shot himself, they merely reacted out of self preservation.

    If you hear gunshot from car and you don't have a clear sight on the guy, you shoot back you don't question it.

    son could've told them niggas to stop after like the first few shots my g

  • Nov 27, 2020
    red eagle

    "I don’t even care if it’s misinformation"

    That's the problem here nigga, an environment where misinformation is accepted is really harmful to minorities dumbass

    the moral argument and truth is on black people's side, if you throw that away s*** becomes different

    Facts people literally uphold misinformation for their selfish narrative

  • Nov 27, 2020
    2 replies

    That's cops shot him for nothing
    Others stated the gun didn't belong to him, yet it was clearly in his possession

    People said cops didn't attempt to descalate

    Also if you watch the video, THE BODY CAMERA COP DID NOT SHOOT. He just saw someone shoot themselves in the head, he will have to relieve that moment forever.

    HOWEVER, the officer's who DID NOT have a clear sight on him did shoot him, they had no idea he shot himself, they merely reacted out of self preservation.

    If you hear gunshot from car and you don't have a clear sight on the guy, you shoot back you don't question it.

    Dude chose to be a cop, s*** comes with the job

  • Nov 27, 2020

    “I find it crazy the police will shoot you and know that your dead but still tell you to freeze”

  • Nov 27, 2020
    MM6 Moka

    Dude chose to be a cop, s*** comes with the job

    right lmfao. acting like crazy traumatic s*** is forced on them. literally in the f***ing job description. sign up to be a cop expect to see wild s***.

  • Nov 27, 2020
    2 replies
    Piano Mane

    son could've told them niggas to stop after like the first few shots my g

    He was probably shocked at what he saw and didn't have it in him to speak.

    He saw someone off them self, that's a lot to take in.

    By the time he realized what happened fully it was too late anyways.

    Easy to say this while on your phone

  • Nov 27, 2020
    1 reply

    That's cops shot him for nothing
    Others stated the gun didn't belong to him, yet it was clearly in his possession

    People said cops didn't attempt to descalate

    Also if you watch the video, THE BODY CAMERA COP DID NOT SHOOT. He just saw someone shoot themselves in the head, he will have to relieve that moment forever.

    HOWEVER, the officer's who DID NOT have a clear sight on him did shoot him, they had no idea he shot himself, they merely reacted out of self preservation.

    If you hear gunshot from car and you don't have a clear sight on the guy, you shoot back you don't question it.

    Nobody said the cops shot him for nothing, though?

    Everyone in the first thread just didn't understand why someone needed to be shot 35 times, and they are still right even with this bodycam footage.

    Then you started caping for police as if they don't cover things up to preserve their image and jobs.

    And now here we are and nothing has changed. You didn't debunk any "misinformation"; you were muted for just being a f***ing airhead.

    Again, why even make this thread.

  • Nov 27, 2020

    Just saw a video yesterday where some officers warned some armed proud boys they were getting ready to drop tear gas and to get out of the way. Stating “they didn’t want to look like they were choosing sides”

    Couldn’t imagine being black and defending the police

  • Nov 27, 2020

    Dang I ain’t even know he shot himself it’s a good thing you said this information I thought they just killed bruh like a animal

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