idk why niggas cancel on girls for random ass reasons
idk if its insecurity or indifference, but canceling plans in general should b avoided
this is a product of societies unrealistic expectations of sex. it's about your pleasure and her pleasure. this is why it's goated to be with people you really love, especially if you have self confidence issues.
Nigga I’m tryin to give her that work. And my d has betrayed me in moments like this before and I only last one round n look like a b****
If anything, a warm up nut would make you last longer?
If anything, a warm up nut would make you last longer?
nobody wants to drop off lukewarm salami on the first link though I get his point
But I still think he should go for it regardless
this is a product of societies unrealistic expectations of sex. it's about your pleasure and her pleasure. this is why it's goated to be with people you really love, especially if you have self confidence issues.
yeah I had an ex touch himself before I came over, we did end up doing it but I thought he didn't like me bc he took forever to finish, p*** is not the norm
you weren't gonna link with s*** lmao
Bro I’m fapping 5 times a day on a good day how tf a wet dream supposed to knock you down for days
nah fr
you wouldn't survive a day in the nut room
quit bein a b****
one bust won't kill your vibe
yeah I had an ex touch himself before I came over, we did end up doing it but I thought he didn't like me bc he took forever to finish, p*** is not the norm
Touched himself is crazy when describing a man
Touched himself is crazy when describing a man
I'm trying to not be as vulgar as possible
nobody wants to drop off lukewarm salami on the first link though I get his point
But I still think he should go for it regardless
Let her get off on the first link so the next one is all about you
also its a bit overrated to go multiple rounds
it seems like it would be cool but ultimately its a waste of time
even for a girl I'm dating, going more than twice would be OD
Let her get off on the first link so the next one is all about you
I'm a foreplay guy myself
I feel like if you try to get her off with just PIV, its a gamble
@op if you don't cop a honey pack, you'd better be ready to munch
I'm a foreplay guy myself
I feel like if you try to get her off with just PIV, its a gamble
@op if you don't cop a honey pack, you'd better be ready to munch
If you can’t get her off before f***ing, your bed game sucks, I’m sorry. It’s really not as hard as dudes make it out to be
It kills me when girls say “I’ve never really had an o***** during sex” like huh???
Im meeting the girl later tonight I’m f***ing cooked ngl if I can’t give her at least 2 nuts
yeah I had an ex touch himself before I came over, we did end up doing it but I thought he didn't like me bc he took forever to finish, p*** is not the norm
in our p*** addicted society, we definitely have an image of sexual expectations in our brain. sadly, we can't even help it. it's just important that at some point in their life, everyone understands that everyone is completely different and that's okay. as long as we listen to each other and communicate well