Honestly that part of hip hop just isn’t my cup of tea but I think it was pretty narcissistic of me to generalize all fans of traditional hip hop as snobby elitists, hating on lyrical content or Black art in general
I apologize if I offended anyone, Music is subjective and who am I to hate on Jay Electronica for the way he expresses himself
We’re all different with different tastes, upbringings and experiences
I’m genuinely sorry if I came across as trashy, gimmicky and spiteful lol
Showing growth always a good thing, more power to you op
Thanks for the positivity
People are really being immature and unnecessary
Much respect @One
Honestly that part of hip hop just isn’t my cup of tea but I think it was pretty narcissistic of me to generalize all fans of traditional hip hop as snobby elitists, hating on lyrical content or Black art in general
I apologize if I offended anyone, Music is subjective and who am I to hate on Jay Electronica for the way he expresses himself
We’re all different with different tastes, upbringings and experiences
I’m genuinely sorry if I came across as trashy, gimmicky and spiteful lol
Only someone mature would open their kinds up to something they initially disliked and publicly admit their wrong. Keep up your growth 👍🏾
Jay Elec is ass
And the black community rejects your apology
Its cool tho
Naw im black and I f*** with op.
You should be ashamed to be black and diss Jay E like that fuccboi. I hate that he took forever to drop too but s*** is fire
i accept ur apology but that album is trash no shame in saying it.
That’s your opinion, we’re all different but I thought it was wrong to make a thread like that
Only someone mature would open their kinds up to something they initially disliked and publicly admit their wrong. Keep up your growth 👍🏾
Thanks for the kind words lol