Isn't that freshman and senior level age in highschool?
Senior would be 18
15 turning 16 tends to be Sophomore
13 years old was 8th grade
Senior would be 18
15 turning 16 tends to be Sophomore
13 years old was 8th grade
I was 15 turning 16 as a junior don't even ask me how
That couple with the golds said "We been together since I was 13"
I said oh that's wild
She said "He's 40 and I'm 37"
I had to do the math in my head
16 and 13 ????
S*** like this freaks me out cause i guess it's legal and it worked out but I can't help but go
good vid :D
Pretty funny. I find these kind of videos interesting, it reminds me of all gas no breaks
That couple with the golds said "We been together since I was 13"
I said oh that's wild
She said "He's 40 and I'm 37"
I had to do the math in my head
16 and 13 ????
Back in the day that was pretty normal