Them boys just don’t use deodorant and shower regularly. Armpit doesn’t make you stinky and musty unless your not clean in the first place.
but forreal tho that nigga looks like he doesnt wear deodorant like at all
was at his show in LA and he stage dived on me in the crowd. i can confirm he doesn't
set was fire tho
after I said what I said I started thinking about ppl who have cancer and lose their hair and I just said u know what ima keep those types of comments tucked
was at his show in LA and he stage dived on me in the crowd. i can confirm he doesn't
set was fire tho
was at his show in LA and he stage dived on me in the crowd. i can confirm he doesn't
set was fire tho
and there it is
i knew it too
Damn I feel u but this post ain’t it wit the timing
Damn I feel u but this post ain’t it wit the timing
Yea,I think I deserve crickets for that one
Y'all niggas don't remember OF?
Crazy how time flies man
I was just about to say this; he might attract those type of fans and it got flak for being a bunch of white fans but that didn’t mean a lot of all different young people were into it across the board
I was just about to say this; he might attract those type of fans and it got flak for being a bunch of white fans but that didn’t mean a lot of all different young people were into it across the board
When I think of OF I think about the movement they started and man it was beautiful. A bunch of weirdo ass niggas with ideas out of this world.. it doesn't matter who your fans are or what color they are, it's nice to see black people making music that any race holds dearly.
Y'all niggas don't remember OF?
Crazy how time flies man
Bruh,that OF hype was so real man,I remember coming home from school one day and MTV was playing a commercial for OF Tape Vol.2 in the middle of the f***ing day! Let’s you know how big they were.(commercial was just kids running down the street with OF Tape available now I think)