just a weird feeling. Everything feels different. Im so sad today. Not sure why
How to get over it asap
just do a bunch of pushups
lmao u make me laugh how does that help
He made U laugh!!
Problem solved
robin williams always looked happy
robin williams always looked happy
he also had lewy body dementia
also your not robin williams
just a weird feeling. Everything feels different. Im so sad today. Not sure why
How to get over it asap
Get some vitamin d supplements. Your levels could be low.
he also had lewy body dementia
also your not robin williams
i dont care tbh time is moving so fast i feel like i dont have time to enjoy s***
go for a walk or run or meditate. write 10 things your grateful for. should make you feel better.
@op you’re not f***ing special
Happens on the daily for some of us 🙄
@op you’re not f***ing special
Happens on the daily for some of us 🙄
Ur a b**** ass nigga, you are so annoying
@op you’re not f***ing special
Happens on the daily for some of us 🙄
and you aren't special either because people got it worse than you
don't be a d*** about this s*** bruh i woulda just banned your ass for this if i was a mod
just a weird feeling. Everything feels different. Im so sad today. Not sure why
How to get over it asap
This happened to me senior year of high school
Just try to find other stuff to focus on (music, talk to friends and family, play video games, whatever you like to do)
Recently it hasn't been working for me at all but back then it helped me
Get good sleep, eat as healthy as possible, stay active. Keep your body healthy so it can help your mind become healthier
And if that doesn't work, talk to someone you trust/love. They can help, or direct you to help
It's ok to feel like that. I'm scared s***less to say something, but I recommend it if the sadness doesn't go away