  • Nov 19, 2020

    from here

  • Nov 19, 2020
    1 reply

  • Nov 19, 2020
    lotta ties

    what an avi I think I will never change it

  • Nov 19, 2020

    ''Same. I have blue eyes, light hair, and always get those comments about not looking “Jewish.” I identify as white on paper, because I have benefited from most of the privileges extended to white people. I also include myself when I say “white people.” Identifying as white allows me to identify my privileges and use them to help others. “White-passing” also feels disrespectful towards people who are in that position from other groups. In conversation, I’d maybe identify as white goy-passing?''
    from reddit
    y'all ain't white passing, y'all are white

  • Nov 19, 2020
    1 reply

    many of them are cause middle easrern countries antagonised their large jewish populations into leaving for israel

    a lot of north african and middle eastern nations had like 7% jewish populations, the number is now like 0.4%

  • Nov 19, 2020
    1 reply

    many of them are cause middle easrern countries antagonised their large jewish populations into leaving for israel

    a lot of north african and middle eastern nations had like 7% jewish populations, the number is now like 0.4%

    Israel still treats Arab Jews as second-tier citizens

  • Nov 20, 2020

    Israel still treats Arab Jews as second-tier citizens

    just like ethiopian jews, or anyone who's not white is just a beta israeli for them, when they're kahazars