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    1 reply

    this is so ass what r u guys smoking man

    its heartfelt and clean. not some super lyrical s*** but he succeeded at doing something not ass

  • This guy stinks

  • insertcoolnamehere

    Yall consistently doing the Sambo dance for these cacs is why i barely take yall seriously when yall shoot down black rappers with actual talent

    no one does this

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    i will never understand why niggas hate on ian but think yeat is a god

    obv yeat better but no one argues against him on the basis of race

  • ·
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    He need to stick to the gucci beats this s*** trash

  • proper 🔩
    3 replies

    its heartfelt and clean. not some super lyrical s*** but he succeeded at doing something not ass

    the bar is so low in 2025 man

  • proper 🔩
    2 replies

    He need to stick to the gucci beats this s*** trash

    he need to stick to these beats tbh

    but s*** like this does not sell/chart well so i get why he doesn’t

  • ·
    1 reply

    i will never understand why niggas hate on ian but think yeat is a god

    obv yeat better but no one argues against him on the basis of race

    I also hate oregon niggas that do fake accents too lmao

  • proper

    the bar is so low in 2025 man

    Its solid. Ians a solid rapper. There are plenty worse more successful rappers

  • insertcoolnamehere

    I also hate oregon niggas that do fake accents too lmao

    Well s*** u probably rare for that, i think if he was blatantly mocking rap by being a troll thatd be offensive, to me these is some cool white dudes who love rap.

    Is there a white rapper stimulus? Yes.

    Is it the rappers fault? No

    Should they be ostracized for being white and perhaps being inspired in some aspects by black artists? I dont think so

  • OP
    1 reply

  • bh0stman

    Thats crazy disrespectful you just assume im gonna watch that bullshit

  • sizz

    “Just started my day with a blunt idk if thats f***ed up but it is”

    truly the bars of a suburbanite

  • KIR

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    White boy freestyling on another white boy’s freestyle platform

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    he isn’t liked cuz he’s white, people were f***ing with the sound. I see your point but it’s just music and he’s just making stuff he probably likes himself, can’t be so harsh I think…

    It’s not just music tho, there’s a line between appreciation and straight up imitating some s*** u don’t know nothing about

    Rap is the only genre they let people routinely play with like this I wonder why

  • ·
    1 reply

    It’s not just music tho, there’s a line between appreciation and straight up imitating some s*** u don’t know nothing about

    Rap is the only genre they let people routinely play with like this I wonder why

    What is he imitating

    Im ngl yall sound mad illogical

    -idk what u mean by playing with the genre like this, thats like saying white people cant play jazz which no one ever says, im assuming thats ur point cus its vague af

    -lyrically ian is not rly on street time so idk why ur complaining about him imitating street rappers. And his voice is not that similar to future, thats just a narrative from woke twitter

  • Windmaster

    What is he imitating

    Im ngl yall sound mad illogical

    -idk what u mean by playing with the genre like this, thats like saying white people cant play jazz which no one ever says, im assuming thats ur point cus its vague af

    -lyrically ian is not rly on street time so idk why ur complaining about him imitating street rappers. And his voice is not that similar to future, thats just a narrative from woke twitter

    white people cant play jazz which no one ever says.

    You have no idea what u talking bout.

    There was a jazz club in Bushwick that was actually catching hell for not having black led bands play there for a minute til recently.

    The #BAM movement in which jazz artists elected to call jazz instead, “ Black American Music.” got big for a reason.

  • KIR

    He lost the plot. No point trying to make concessions to people who will never like you, just ignore them. He should just stay being a social experiment rage bait rapper and experiment with more trap sounds

  • this is hard

  • insertcoolnamehere

    Yall consistently doing the Sambo dance for these cacs is why i barely take yall seriously when yall shoot down black rappers with actual talent

    can he not just be good bro

  • insertcoolnamehere

    The new music videos all been fire


    Been having video of the year candidate

    i been bumping tf outta this

  • insertcoolnamehere

    The new music videos all been fire


    Been having video of the year candidate

    this angel eyes video is nuuuts i enver seen it

  • ian hate train is silly.
    his album last year was p good, he was a producer for years and used to make weird dark ambient rap s***. he clearly cares about it and just makes cool music u aint gotta love it but why hate on dude as if hes colonizing LMAO his biggest influence is yeat, another white rapper man

  • treeman

    There’s a difference between vocal range for the sake of artistic expression and trying to sound like you’re black when you’re a white trust fund kid who plays rugby

    he dont even sound black tho
